Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I love him. I know all you mommies think you have a cutey. I'm sure you child is adorable, but come on, look at that (I look just like my daddy) face. Praise God for the blessing of children. Posted by Picasa

Check out those news zapatos (spanish for shoes). This is it the one of the three options Andrew had in his size. Let's not forget that girls literally had 20 different styles to choose from in this size. I know men are practical but boys shoes are being bought by a woman that is immpractical and sees the need for many different zapatos. (Just so you will know, because I know you were wondering, the other sandle was indentical to this but blue. The third shoe was a tennis shoe. Not practical from summer. That is the extent to this woman's practicallity.) Posted by Picasa

Crouching tiger, hidden Andrew!!! (Think he was tired of taking pictures?) Posted by Picasa

Up the slide.  Posted by Picasa

Down the slide.  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Can you say training session!!!! I believe firmly that it is never to early to begin chores (I learned that from my parents :)). My next task is to teach him how to do it with his eyes open. Baby steps though.  Posted by Picasa

Happy Easter!! Here is Andrew modeling his new Easter outfit. I had one shot due to some extenuating circumstances. Praise the Lord it wasn't a repeat of Christmas. I love this outfit. Someday he will question it but I will stick by my guns to the cuteness of it. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

He looks so grown up today. It amazes me how he looks like a little man. 2 years has gone by too quickly. I am trying to ponder all these things in my heart daily. Posted by Picasa

Here's the other side. I love this room because the middle is so open and he will be able to drag out all his toys and play. When his friends come and visit they will have plenty of room to play. Posted by Picasa

This is the finished product. He still hasn't moved in yet. On his 2 year birthday he will move in.  Posted by Picasa