Thursday, September 27, 2007

We're Back...

from Myrtle Beach and Jacksonville, FL. Chris was in Myrtle beach to finish his doctorite paper and worked hard the first part of the week so that we could come down the last part. It was definitly what we both needed, time away from our home. The boys were so excited to see their Daddy and wanted to spend as much time as we could with him. The first night Chris and Andrew took the golf cart to the beach. Andrew thought that was the greatest thing because he was able to drive it. Later, when Jonathan woke up from his nap, we all took a ride to beach. About halfway there the rain came down and needless to say, we got soaked.

While we were in FL Andrew started to get bumps on his belly and his legs. I thought it was just ant bites but a day later 3 of them started to look like they were infected. We took him to Urgent Care and found out he has MRSA (a very contagious form of staph infection). We came home the next day and visited his doctors and they said if it started to look worse take him to the ER. Last night we were at the ER having them all drain. It was not fun and we are still not guaranteed that it worked but we believe that God will con't to heal him.

Jonathan is having a hard time not being able to play with his big brother. He is in this adorable phase (aren't they all though) where I go in to wake him up and he is standing there smiling (ok really he is crying for me but in my mind he's smiling) and waiting for me. There is a lot more to tell but that will have to be told later.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jonathan Moving...

So this is how I found Jonathan when I came around the corner. I was so excited I ran to get the camera (after I carefully placed the pillow behind him for fear I head trauma) because this is HUGE in baby stuff. He had been pulling himself up to his knees but never all the way up. The things boys will do to see their Thomas the Train.
I'm glad I put the pillow back behind him because he fell to the side and smacked his head there. The pillow I loving placed behind him remained unharmed. Next time I'll think through the pillow thing and make a barrier (or not take a picture and just tell the story...but that wouldn't be as nearly exciting as this).

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Days are Numbered...

That's Maggie I'm talking about. I decided last week to let Maggie move on to a home that will love her the way she needs to be loved. She is such a good dog but I just can't take it any more. I am doggie mommie failure and I admit it.

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I wish I had some grand tale of excitement to tell you after all this time but I have nothing. Life has been pretty boring. Since the temperatures have not been insanely hot, the boys and I have been at the park a lot more. Jonathan is now a full-fledged crawler and likes to crawl after Andrew at the parks. He also likes to go down slides on his belly. It is really funny to watch because he has a look of sheer terror on his face as he grips his toes and fingers into the slide. He goes really really slow down the slide but it still freaks him out. But once the ride of terror is over, he squeals with delight. It's hilarious. Now that Jonathan is crawling I have to watch him a lot more closely. He loves to play with Maggie's doggie chew toys. I guess he figures if it is good enough for her then it is good enough for him.

Andrew has started Cubbies at our church and he loves it. Everyday he wants to put on the Cubbie vest (over his Batman shirt nonetheless) and go to Cubbies. He has memorized two Bible verses so far (Romans 3:23 & Romans 5:8) which means Mommie has also memorized two verses so far. I see what the AWANAS organization is doing and I like it. Andrew is also asking those fun questions that you wonder where he got that from (does that make sense at all?). For instance, he asked me the other day, 'How do fish cry?,' 'How do cats cry?,' and 'Do dogs smile?'. There is never a day that goes by that I am not writing something down in my Andrew sayings book.

So that's all that has been going on. I told you it wasn't much.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Bath Time

Jonathan has started to sit up during bath times. It is much more enjoyable for both Andrew and me. Now we both don't get soaking wet from Jonathan splashing. Here are a few of the action shots.

Maggie watches for the boys for me. She has a very strong maternal instinct.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


I'm not quite sure where Andrew picked up his love of superheros (it might be a male gene, I'm still looking into it), but gradually he fell in love with Batman, Spiderman and Superman. A lot of it might have to do with the fact that he has quite a few pairs of superhero underoos. This is to help you understand the mindset of the following story.

Last week Andrew inherited a Batman t-shirt and if it were up to him he would wear it everyday. While wearing this shirt he likes to be called Batman (I get to be Superman, nevermind the fact I'm a girl). I caved today and let him wear it to the mall (the 3rd time this week). While we were having lunch Andrew had to go to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom we passed a server and he said to Andrew, 'Hey Batman.' Andrew looked at me and in a hushed tone said, 'He knows my name!'

As I write this Chris is getting excited because Who Wants to Be a Superhero is on. I really think that it is in their genes.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Growing Boys

My husband has to constantly remind me that Andrew isn't a baby anymore. When I do impersonations of him, Chris reminds me again that he doesn't sound like that anymore. But I still have Jonathan to look forward too. He'll soon be talking baby talk and only I (and possibly Chris) will be able to understand him. I don't know why I say this (because I'm definitely not pregnant) but I'm sad that my boys are growing up. Never in a million years, did I think that I would be sad because I knew it was going to happen, but here I am mourning the fact that Andrew corrected me this morning for saying 'muskick.' He said, 'Mommy, it's muuusic, not muskick.' I encourage Jonathan on a daily basis to grow up but sometimes I just enjoy watching him be a baby. He's crawling like crazy, and the face plants are fewer everyday, but he still a baby and it is fun to watch. I guess growing up is inevitable, but that doesn't mean I have to be excited about it.
Here's Andrew enjoying what Maggie does best-and most of the time-sleeping.
We finally brought the exersaucer down for Jonathan and he loves it. Amazingly, Andrew now likes to play with it a lot more. Maggie thought this was about her and was doing her best to pose.
That's a big cheeser.
Still liking it. His second tooth has started to break the skin and he is not enjoying it at all.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Last Night...

when I put Andrew to bed I told him if he didn't come out he could put a star on his chart. After 10 stars he could do whatever he wants with his Daddy. After much thought, Andrew decided he wanted to eat a sucker with his Daddy. He also informed me that he would have the red sucker and Daddy could have the blue sucker. I said that sounds like a good idea and we would talk more about it in the morning, hugs and kisses good night. Five minutes later he came around the corner and Chris told him to get back to bed. Forty-five minutes later he walked around the corner and said, 'I need to speak to Mommy.' I go to him and ask him what he wants, thinking he will ask to go to the bathroom. But no, he said to me, 'Mommy, I want Daddy to have the red sucker and I'll have the blue sucker.' I picked him up, hugged him and laughed as I put him to sleep. I asked him if he had been thinking about it for a long time and he said yes.
Later, Chris and I imagined him laying there and thinking he really didn't want the red sucker but he was afraid he might get disciplined if he came out. But maybe, it was worth the discipline because he really did want the blue sucker. And maybe Daddy is eating the blue sucker right now. Too funny.