Saturday, May 27, 2006

Going Home

One more hug and kiss before we go. We sure will miss Maw Maw and Paw Paw, but I think Andrew will miss Ricky more.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Who knew one bucket could be so much fun?!?!?!?

Day 6

As you can tell we went to the beach today. I was proud of myself because I remembered the camera but I forgot Andrew's hat. He had more sunblock on him than anyone I know. While we were at the beach Andrew made a friend named John. He is 20 months old and looks like a sufer dude. His skin was more tan than mine. Andrew looked really white next to him.
Just some tips for those of you heading to the beach. John's mom had spray-on sunscreen and it was super nice. Applying sunscreen isn't hard, it is the reapplying that is yucky. The sand was everywhere and everytime I rubbed in the new layer of sunscreen I was rubbing sand into his skin. It didn't seem to bother him but I felt bad.
After the beach, we went home and crashed. Andrew never sleeps in cars. While I have been down here he has slept everywhere he has went. I guess the sun and fun are wearing him out.
This picture was fun for me to take. While at the beach today there was a photo shoot taking place. It was fun to see the behind-the-scenes of a photo shoot. I tried to get Andrew in it but they weren't looking for anymore models. Oh well, can't say I didn't try.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Day 5

Here is the picture I was talking about yesterday. This is what I get to see as we walk at night. Isn't it adorable?
Today the sun did not cooperate again. It was cloudy and rainy in the morning but by lunch it was beautiful. Oh well, we will try again tomorrow to get to the beach. We did get in a lot of shopping. Mom and I spent some serious cash, but I must add that it was all on sale. Mentally that helped us justify the amout we spent (we, meaning mom spent the cash I was along for the ride). Can't wait to show off my new capris and shirts.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Day 3 & 4

Andrew and I had a special time yesterday. We got up early and headed over to the beach. It was slightly disappointing because the skies were cloudy. I was afraid I wouldn't get much sun and beacause of that I didn't put any sunscreen on myself (Andrew's was reapplied twice). Boy did my shoulders get cooked. There won't be any pictures of the beach because I forgot to bring the camera. I was sorry too. Andrew was so much fun this year. First of all, he loves to be in the water. He will float out into the water and just watch the boats, the helicoptors, and the people go by. Don't worry I am right there with him. Then my mom and I sat in our chairs while he played in the sand. It was so nice because he didn't want me to entertain him. He just shoveled the sand into the bucket and then back out of the bucket. It was so much fun. Then later that night my parents took us out to a super nice resturaunt (my mom works there). The meal had three courses and it was delicious. Andrew was treated like royalty. My mom's boss/friend brought him out a cookie and ice cream. Andrew loved it. It was the most elegant dinner I have had in a long time. I was proud of Andrew because he behaved very well.
Today we didn't do much. We had lunch with one of my mom's friend, Pat. Pat's daughter is moving to Durham very soon. She will the one of the managers of the Long Horn Steakhouse at Briar Creek. After dinner we all went for a walk. This was another time I wish I had my camera. Some of you may remember that Andrew loves dogs. Tonight as we walked he held my mom's hand while he walked Ricky (mom's dog) with a leash. He was very content. A couple of times he dropped the leash and Ricky would have minor heart attacks but all in all I think they both enjoyed themselves.
P.S. picture of Andrew and me is in front of fountains at the resturaunt, Andrew enjoying cookie and ice cream with mom, and Andew with mom's lobster claw plant. The flower looks like a lobter claw. I thought it was pretty cool.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day 2

This was another wonderful day in Florida. For those of you who might not know my parents live in St. Petersburg, FL which is where the Tampa Bay Devil Rays have their field. My dad and I love to go to ball games together and enjoy each others company. While we were at the game, Andrew got to enjoy some one-on-one time with his Maw Maw. I'm not sure which one had the better time. On the way home from the game my dad and I took the longer way home which winds around the Tampa Bay. I noticed a nice playground area and couldn't wait to take Andrew. When he got up from his nap Maw Maw and I took him to play. He met a friend (the girl in the slide picture) and kept calling her Sophia. She kept telling him her name but apparently he thought she looked like his friend Sophia. He had fun running around with her. While we were at the park I couldn't help but think of my friends and wish they could be here. This park isn't elaborate but it has great views (we saw cruise ships, a wind surfer, and a rock that my mom thought was a sea turtle), the playground, and a walking track. I could imagine us walking the track breathing in the salty air and chatting it up. I miss my friends dearly and Andrew misses his friends too. As I put the pictures in I just wanted to note that I love the shot of Andrew with my mom. It reminds me of the many times she would point things out to us. It was a wonderful thing to watch. For those of you wondering, yes that wall drops off to the bay. I was praying that Andrew wouldn't get bold and take a step. Believe me I was praying. But it is a great shot.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A day in Florida

This tree looked like it might need some support. Just doing my part to help the yard look great.
Helping Grandpa make sure the trees are evenly spaced. He does his work without a shirt, I work without my shorts.
Trying to be like my Grandpa. Rocking in his chair, looking through his glasses. This is after all the work is done.

Friday, May 19, 2006

We Have Arrived

After 12 hours in the car we finally made it to Maw Maw and Grandpa's house in Florida (as seen on the left). I was very proud of Andrew. We both got up early and he tried for the longest time to take a nap. He had a real hard time falling asleep. When he got up from his mini-nap he watched a Veggie Tale movie (or as he says it 'beggi tale mobie'). We stopped for lunch at McDonalds and it was fun to sit and watch him take his time enjoying his hamburger. He had no concept that we still had a long way to go and couldn't take forever to eat. He taught me a lesson about enjoying the moment and not thinking of what is to come. Children have a wonderful way of keeping the main thing the main thing. I'm sure you'll be hearing from me a lot this week since I have easy access to a computer.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Here is the handsome family getting ready to go to church on Mother's Day. Don't they all look beautiful??!!??!!?? Posted by Picasa

G.G. wanted a ride in the wagon. Andrew thought he could pull her but you'll see what happened instead. Posted by Picasa

He decided that if he couldn't pull it he would help push it.  Posted by Picasa

He gave up jumped in and enjoyed the ride while Paw Paw pulled them around. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Preparing for our trip to Florida. Cool sunglasses are a must.  Posted by Picasa

Nothing much going on

I have been sitting here trying to think of what to write about. This has been one of those weeks that I have loved being at home with Andrew. He has been so much fun. We have been outside as much as possible walking, pulling the wagon, riding his car, and going down the slide. He helped me wash my car and it was fun to hear him giggle when the water would drizzle down on his head. He would take the sponge from the bucket and copy what I did. He gets up on his tippy-toes and tries to hard to get high. I must say he was very helpful. He also helped me dust the house. I told him that his G.G. and Paw Paw are coming and we needed to spuce up the house. He also helped me clean the window on the front door. It sounds a lot like child labor but who am I to stifle someones desire to help out (if my friend Stacy is reading, remember mowing the lawn (sorry to all the others the story is too long)). He is addicted to the Veggie Tales cd we have in the car. All he wants to hear is the Cheeseburger song. The song is too fast for him to sing along but he knows the last note and will sing it and imatate the character voice. When Chris and I first heard that we laughed. It is funny what he remembers.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

He's 2

On April 30th Andrew turned 2. He celebrated it in grand fashion. He had a party on Friday after Afterhours (which is a singles worship event) with all his friends from the singles ministry. We started the party by bringing out his cake and singing the birthday song while he blew out the candles. When the song was over he helped himself to some cake by biting it off the sides. It was perfect! He kept trying to get more but if anyone else wanted to help us with the cake he needed to stop nibbling. He opened gifts and got a cool bus, a toy dust buster, an Elmo backpack, and some cool shirts. He loved them all and started his Saturday morning by playing with those toys (and wanting more cake and ice cream). Later that Saturday, he had a party with his friends. They had a fun time riding in wagons and writing on the driveway. Chris grilled some hot dogs and I bought some chips and dip. Andrew got another cake and tried to do the same thing as the night before. It was so much fun just watching all the children play and have fun while the adult just sat around and talked. There are lots of pictures below to give you an idea of what the party was like. Sunday was his actual birthday and when I woke him up I was singing the birthday song to him and when I finished he said, "Cake, ice cream?" He knows where his priorities are.
I can't believe he is already 2 years old. Where has the time gone. I remember holding him gently in my arms at the hospitol thinking I might break him so I wanted to be extra gentle. I remember the moment I realized he won't break as easily as I first thought but I didn't want to risk it. I remember him just gazing in my eyes with the confused look only an infant can give. Some how he bacame a toddler with lots of bumps and bruises but still intact. He stilll is my baby boy but my baby boy in a new body. Thicker skin on his knees and hands but still wants his mommy when he get a boo boo (his mommy and a band aid).

His cool new doggie cup. Only cool 2 year olds get to drink out of this. Posted by Picasa

This was his present from mommy and daddy. He loves to go outside and ride around. Soon he will be able to reach the pedals.  Posted by Picasa

Hey what's in this one? Posted by Picasa

Eventually this came out. Posted by Picasa

We thought this might take a few hours to open. He wanted to pulled one strand out at a time. I was going nuts but he keep chugging away at it.  Posted by Picasa

More cake please. Posted by Picasa

One candle down one more to go!! Posted by Picasa

Yeah, he blew out the candles!!! Posted by Picasa

This is our children's pastor and his daughter (to the left). Typically he looks happier and Lydia (his daughter) has her eyes open. Just one of those time when the shutter was too fast. Posted by Picasa

The other side of the table of friends. Posted by Picasa

This table was full of Andrew's many friends. Posted by Picasa