Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Day Out

On Saturday Chris wanted to take the day to do whatever I wanted to do. I was so excited because there are some Latin food markets I had not been to and took advantage of this opportunity. We hopped into the car and headed off for the family event. As we walked into the first store it was also a meat market and had a slight odor. Apparently Andrew noticed because his first words were, 'What's dat smell, Mommy?' You have to love the honesty of a 2 year old.
I had my last routine doctor's appointment today and everything went well. I lost another 1 1/2 lbs so now I've gained a total of 2 lbs this pregnancy. Yeah!!!!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Snow Day

As everyone knows we had a snow day. Andrew and I took advantage of it and got out and played as much as we (mainly me) could stand. He wanted to stay out and play but I would get cold fast and want my fireplace. Enjoy a few pics of us enjoying the day.
Here is his initial bundle up. You'll see the clothes increase in number the longer he wants to stay outside.

My OCD child wanted to build a snowman and this is what we built. You won't see the joy in his face because he wanted the snowman to have a complete face, including teeth. After the picture we tried to find things to complete him but couldn't. Later he would throw it at the neighbors in a snow ball fight.

Praise the Lord for neighbors who love the snow. As soon as they came out Andrew was ready to go back out. They had their snowball fight and later tried to build a snow fort. I didn't want to discourage them but I didn't think there was enough snow for a fort and a snowball fight.

This is what he finally looked liked all bundled up. He loved playing with the neighbors so much but his little face was getting so red. He loved wearing the scarf.

Health Update

A huge thank you for all the prayers that were lifted up. God answered our prayers in a mighty way. My blood pressure was back down to 124/78, which isn't great but it definitely is not high. They also tested my urine that morning and found no proteins. They were not able to give me the results from the preeclampsia tests but said that they would call me Wednesday if they found anything. They never called on Wednesday so I'm taking that as a good sign. God is good.
I did take it easy last weekend and didn't do much. Chris was such a blessing because he took care of dinners for me so I could relax. I went for a few walks and I also came off caffeine, soda and excess sodium. Andrew was a blessing as he continually asked if I was okay. I love my family because they love me. So again thank you for your prayers.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Prayer Request

I had doctor's visit yesterday that had good news and bad news. The good news is that I had lost 6 pounds since my last visit. That means I have only gained 4 pounds this pregnancy which makes me happy. The bad news is that my blood pressure was a little high. The doctor is taking some precautionary measures this weekend and testing me for preeclampsia. I had blood work drawn and I have to collect my pee for 24 hours. They are looking to see if I have proteins in my urine which is a sure sign of preeclampsia. When they checked yesterday for proteins I did not have any so that was a good sign. I have an appointment on Tuesday to find out the results. Please pray that I won't stress this weekend, which only increases my blood pressure. Pray that I will trust God to do His mightly works. I won't lie, I have shed many tears over this because all I wanted was a normal pregnancy. My friend Tonya wisely told me that no one has a normal pregnancy. I appreciate all your prayers.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Day At The Zoo

One thing I love about my husband is that he is very spontaneous. We were sitting at dinner Friday night talking about our plans for Saturday and said why don't we go to the zoo. At first I thought he was being silly, but he jumped on the computer and started researching it. It was relatively inexpensive and the weather was suppose to be beautiful. So we were up and on the road by 7:30 the next morning. We got to the zoo and had a great time. I'm not sure what they feed those animals but I am quite sure tranquilizers are involved. There was never a threat because every animal was sleeping (well all the ones you want to see awake). The only sad part was that the elephants weren't able to be seen. Of course, that is all that Andrew wanted to see. Every time we would see an animal he would say, 'Now we see the elephants.' If you ask him his favorites he'll tell you the lions and zebras but the animal that held his attention the longest was a duck who was taking a bath. But to be honest with you it was kindof my favorite as well because he was awake. And about that weather, well it never got into the 60s like they said it was. Which is why Andrew and Chris are bundled up in their pictures together. Amazingly enough, the pregnant mommy was just fine in her short sleeve shirt.

It was a fun day at the zoo.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Superman Flies

This is Andrew's adorable pjs he got from his Tia Missy. I feel a lot safer knowing that Superman is sleeping in the room next door.

We did have some hard life lessons learned with this outfit. He found out one morning that he couldn't fly. Apparently this is a lesson that all boys find out. Chris told him if he wore the cape he could fly. So Andrew goes and gets the cape and I put it on and we are sitting on the bed admirring his cutness. The next thing I see is him jumping off the bed and falling. That's when he learned what pretend flying is all about.