Friday, November 24, 2006

Prayer Warrior

I have to brag on Andrew for just a few moments. Every night just before bed time we have Bible story and prayer time. Usually Daddy reads from his kids Bible and he says a prayer then Andrew will pray too, mainly for his dawgum and big boy bed. But lately his prayers have been very specific. Now his prayers will take a little longer because he needs to include all his family (and mention where they are) and his friends. One time his thanked Jesus for mommy's nose. Truly a blessing because so many times I forget to thank Jesus for the little things.
Lately, he now wants to read Bible stories out of the Bible he got at his dedication. Usually I can't understand what he is saying but the other night his Bible story was, 'Jesus says, Jesus thank you for the food.' I thought this was very profound because he realizes it's not just what Mommy and Daddy wants but it is what Jesus wants too.
The last preacher kid story for the day is about all the rain that we've had. We were going to bed and he told me that God was watering the plants. I love how he realizes God in little things too.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cold Busted

It was a rare occasion in the Dowd house...I felt like baking. Andrew and I baked a strawberry cake just before he took his afternoon nap. When he woke up all he wanted to do was try his cake. I told him he could have a piece after dinner and apparently that would not do for him. While I was talking on the phone I came in to see him secretly eating his cake. This is his face as I busted him eating his cake. As you can tell he even pulled the plate closer because he didn't want to miss a single morsel of icing.
In all fairness to him, he didn't eat that much frosting, that's just how poorly I frost a cake. Plus, those cans of frosting don't have as much frosting as they use to have. Usually I can have a little bit and there still be some for the cake. I guess those people at Betty Crocker are cutting back on their portions. Wait till they get my stern letter of dissapproval. Just kidding I couldn't resist eating some cream cheese frosting (maybe some isn't the right word).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I had my dr. visit on Monday and had a long visit. We had another ultrasound and I got to see baby #2 again. If you remember he was having some kidney problems but our prayers have been answered and God fixed it. His kidneys were normal size and he weighed 1lb 8oz. Since I knew how much the baby weighed I asked the dr. to subtract that from my weight but she said she couldn't. I also had the glucose check and won't know anything for a week. Everything else looked good. I had gained 3 lbs but I attribute that to eating at Red Robins and Cold Stone on Friday. Please pray for me and my weight. Pray that God would give me the discipline to eat in moderation. I don't need to gain any weight and have been told so by the doctors.
Andrew is sick right now and is no fun to be around. I felt so sorry for him yesterday at Wal-Mart. As I was shopping he laid his head on my coat and sucked his fingers looking very pitiful. He kept saying 'I'm just tired.' I wish I could say I was nice and didn't spend as much time there but that would be a lie. For some reason I felt unorganized and was all over the place. My nephew's birthday is next week and I was trying to figure out what to get him. So not only did I take forever to shop but I kept going back to the toy department and torturing Andrew. The last time I went he didn't even raise his head because he knew it wouldn't help.
Other than that all is well.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dinner Last Night

As you know Andrew loves to help me cook. Anytime I stand at the sink now he runs and gets his stool. Yesterday, he had a melt down because he thought I was going to cook but all I wanted was a glass of water. He thought I was secretly cooking without him. We did make dinner together last night. I put all the ingredients in the bowl and had him 'cook them.' While he was stirring he sneezed right into the bowl. I said that's alright we'll just mix it up and bake it at 350 for 15 mins and that should get most of the germs. Maybe next week I'll teach how to cook a sanitary meal.
As for baby #2, he is apparently having a party in my belly. Ever since last night he has not stopped moving. He was kicking and moving so much last night that Chris got to feel him. Right now as I type he has having gymnastics practice. It is a very special time and I'm enjoying it.