Friday, February 29, 2008

Mission Trip...

Chris just spent the last week in Nicaragua on an extreme mission trip. This team went into the mountains to share the gospel in several villages that missions teams have never been before.  This mission's trip has been very different from his previous trips due to lack of communication and doing things he has never done before. He did call last night and it was so good to hear from him. Pray for him and the rest of the guys as they return today.
Here's the extreme mission team.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Not to much going on here.
I was excited when Andrew actually smiled for this picture. Of course, I sat there poised with my finger on the button ready and waiting through all the silly faces, the poutful faces, the angry faces, and finally, the smiley face.
Here it looks like the boys are playing in the same corner. Andrew is actually in timeout and Jonathan is trying to figure out why he wouldn't play with him. Jonathan kept poking him with that blue paint brush.
In order to get out of timeout early he had to give me a smiley face without all the other faces first. Amazingly, he didn't have a problem with it. To bad I can't put him in timeout before every picture.

Peanut Butter

Yup, this is what happens when peanut butter* and jelly get into your hair, it stands on end...
and is very painful to get out.
*Apparently, you aren't suppose to feed peanut butter to children under 2 (something about allergies), so don't follow my lead.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Beefaroni Nite...

Typically, I'm one of those Mommies who makes their child eat whatever we are eating. I am willing to fight that battle--on most nights. Last nights wasn't one of those nights. I made steak and black bean chili, very yummy and a little spicy. Knowing that both boys wouldn't enjoy the heat, I made the boys Beefaroni--straight out of the can (my mom will now tune out to the rest of the story, due to the fact that I fed them something out of a can and called that dinner). Honestly, we have never had them before and I didn't even know if he boys would like them. Not only did Jonathan like them, he inhaled them. He is in that phase when he doesn't want me to feed him, he wants to feed himself. If I try to feed him, he will have a melt down until you put the food on the table. It is so weird to me because it's so different from Andrew. Andrew would never dream of getting his hands dirty with food. Jonathan, on the other hand, calls the meal a success when his face, clothes and body are completely messy.
Here are a couple of pictures to show you how messy it got. When the food wasn't on the table fast enough, Jonathan would put his face to the table and try to eat the food off the table--much like an animal eating at a trough. He is so proud of himself here:
Check out those hands. He got a bath after this dinner, no matter how hard I tried, that stuff wasn't coming off. Now, I have to clean the bathtub because of the Beefaroni grease ring around the tub.
Will we have Beefaroni again? Probably, but not anytime soon.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Birthday Day...

On his actual birthday we took him to his favorite playground. He loves to climb through the trees and down the slide.   The playground is at a local church, and the whole place is Bible themed.  Both of the boys really like it.
Here's the boys getting ready to go down the slide.  If you can't tell by the look on my face...I didn't mean to be in this picture. 

Birthday Party

Jonathan is officially 1 year old!!!! We were going to have a birthday party for him at the house, but all the guests couldn't make it. So we decided, if the party won't come to the house, we will take the party on the road. We jumped in the van, and spent the weekend at Chris' parents home, and had a party there. It was a fun time and it was nice to see the boys get spoiled with lots of sweet treats.
This was his first birthday cake.  He really enjoyed playing in it and didn't care to much to eat it.
More playing...
The end results of the playing.  As if his kisses aren't sweet enough, he added chocolate to them.
Jonathan even got to open a few presents (I mean Andrew).  Do you like the wrapping paper?  It's newspaper.  We usually use the comics, but we didn't have any.

The family celebrating his birthday.

Random Shots...

Here are some random pictures...
Andrew liked to wear his Pa Pa's cowboy hat.
Jonathan's new favorite past time...climbing stairs.  Andrew will sit at the top and encourage his brother.
Andrew likes to take a little walk on the treadmill (and I mean little...only 2 calories are burned).  I think he is listening to TobyMac on his iPod.  

Friday, February 08, 2008

Another Week...

This week was just another week for us.  Nothing real exciting happened.  
-Jonathan is walking around a lot now.  He likes to see how far he can go before he falls.
-Jonathan is down to one bottle a day, and I don't think he's too happy about it (that is if he could talk).
-Jonathan did not have his mental break down at Bible study this week.
-Jonathan does not like to drink milk.  If any moms out there had (or have) this problem and can give some advice on how to get him to drink milk, I would greatly appreciate it.
-Biggest news of all....Jonathan is turning 1 on Tuesday.  This weekend I'll probably cry a lot, realizing my baby is no longer a baby.
-Andrew decided he wants a dog with 4 legs and we'll call him Bear.
-Andrew also decided that Jonathan wanted a chocolate cake for his birthday (sure Jonathan wanted it).
-Andrew then decided that Jonathan also wanted the Cars movie for his birthday...hhmmm.  I see a pattern.

That was our week in bullet point form.