Saturday, March 31, 2007

Not So Good

You may be wondering why have a rose picture today. Well, I wanted to give you something beautiful to look at because I have some not so good news. There was a spot I have on my tongue that has been bothering me. I went to the dentist and he sent me to an oral surgeon who then biopsied it. The biopsy came back with news that I did in fact have cancer on my tongue. This was very overwhelming and contiues to overwhelm me. I know this is a God thing because this form of cancer is typically found in someone who smokes or chews tobacco their whole life. This is when I have found the true difference between joy and happiness. I am not happy about the fact that I have cancer and what will have to take place to be cancer free but I find joy in believing that God has a plan for this. This cancer is bigger than me and I can't wait to see how God gets His glory. Please pray that God will completely remove the cancer and or give us wisdom with the future decisions on how to handle it.
The good news is that all the doctors have said that this is a completely treatable cancer because we caught it in the early stages. We see an oncologist on April 11th and then we'll know more information.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Our Weekend

We had a family weedend and just went around enjoying each others company. The weather was perfect for walking and playing at the park. Here's some pics from our weekend.

Saturday started with us drinking some much needed coffee and the boys playing together on the floor.

Tonya gave this chair to Jonathan at his baby shower. I love it because it is small enouch to fit in the tub so I can bathe both boys at one time. Plus, Andrew now has someone to play with besides Elmo.

This is my great friend Stacy (her blog is linked to mine) and her daughter Ann Rae. They visited with us on Sunday and were able to hold Jonathan. I felt bad because he was having a rough time being hospitable. Sundays are crazy in our house.

Here's Andrew loving the camera. He likes for me to take pictures so he can look at them.

Andrew was adorable on Friday morning. He came out of his room too early and I was trying to nurse Jonathan. I know this sounds weird but Andrew is to stay in his room until I come and get him. There are reasons for it but I don't feel like typing them all now. So back to the story. He comes out of his room and I tell him to go to the bathroom and go right back to bed. After using the bathroom he walks down the hallway, turns around looks at me with these big puppy dog eyes and says with a shrug, 'All I wanted to do was love Jonathan.' Some how I became the bad mom who never lets him love his brother. I laughed for hours. For those of you who now how Andrew looks when he shrugs and talks you'll enjoy this story even more.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Da Boyz

This was titled in honor of S.L.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Big Smile

It's Tuesday morning and Jonathan has had a full morning of smiling. When he was finished eating he couldn't get enough of smiling. When he sees my face he smiles but when I check to make sure the picture was centered he stopped smiling. What can I say, he loves his Mommy.

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Monday, March 19, 2007


We are finally out and about. On Sunday we went to church which was exactly what we needed. Jonathan did a great job of sleeping thru the service. Andrew loved to play with his friends and told me later that he cried because I didn't bring him his juice. Our church started a valet service for parents of preschoolers. It is awesome!!! But because it was all so new to me I forgot to grab Andrew's backpack and then I didn't know where they parked my van, so that's how I forgot the juice.
Today we went to Wal-Mart. Andrew loved it because his dreams of walking instead of sitting in the cart came true. He did pretty good but there were times (mainly when candy came into view) he would walk off. Halfway thru he decided he did want to ride so I put him in the front part. After he sat on my bagels, ground beef and preztels I decided he needed to walk again. At some point I was actually dragging him with the cart and still not quite sure how that happened. Overall, it wasn't so bad. Jonathan's young enough to sleep thru it all and Andrew is old enough to do his grown up thing.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

1 Month Check-Up

So Jonathan had his 1 month check-up today and it did not go well. Apparently all the crying is from a lack of food. In 2 weeks he had only gained 2 ounces (babies at this age are suppose to gain an ounce a day). The doctor recommended that we supplement an ounce of formula at the end of each feeding. I know that it is for the best but now that he is nursing (apparently not well) it is hard for me to go back to bottle. The doctor said he isn't nursing well because he doesn't have the energy to nurse well. Hopefully by getting him over this weight hump he will nurse more efficiently. Please pray that this will work. I feel pretty bad knowing I was starving my child (it's not like I didn't offer him something every time). Here's his stats:
Weight 8-3 12%
Height 21 1/2 50%
Head 37.2 40%
As for Andrew, he is doing well. He is in a testing phase and discipline has been a regular thing with him. I'm trying to be consistent without being to impatient with him. Some times it is easier than others. He has said some really funny things lately. We were recently having a conversation at lunch and he asked me a question, then I responded and he responded with, 'That's interesting mommy.' I felt all fuzzy inside knowing that my child found me interesting. He also said, 'When I have a wife, then I be married.' Wisdom...true wisdom.

Monday, March 12, 2007

He's 1 Month Today

WOW, I can't believe Jonathan is already a month old. How much has changed in one short month (although I must say, it felt like a long month to me). He went from being a special care baby to being perfectly healthy. He went from not nursing well to being a champ at it (when he is not sleeping through his meal). He went from not crying too much to...well let's just say his lungs work just fine. Jonathan has gotten better about crying during his nap times. Instead of crying the entire nap he only cries for an hour and a half of it (but not every nap in his defense). Here's a couple of pics of just him and a video of him. The video isn't nearly as exciting as I would like it to be but babies don't do much so you take what you can get.

I know it's blurry but he is definitly smirking.

Definite smile.

Boy, he sure is handsome.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

All is well here. Jonathan slept will last night. After his 11pm feeding he slept till 4am and then again till 7am. That would be great if Andrew didn't keep waking me up in between those times. It was one of those rough nights for him.
Here are a few pics of our morning. I'm working with Andrew on a daily basis to sit at the table and color or write in preparation for preschool. Since he knows most his letters we try to review or just color. It is hard though because he wants to play or watch tv. I've set the timer and he now knows when it goes off he can get up. His coloring is really coming along. He use to color one line and call it a day but now he wants to color in the whole picture. I think it might be encouraging his OCDness but at least he is starting to want to color.
Jonathan is starting to get his routine but it is very slow. I don't remember this much crying with Andrew but I'm sure it was just as bad. I remember Andrew would give up after a few minutes but Jonathan will con't on until someone acknowledges his presence. He's only 3 weeks, I should cut him some slack. Sometimes my expectations are set too high and I realize that.

Here's Chris and the boys.

The boys are playing in Andrew's room. Two seconds later Jonathan had a fit. Glad I snapped the pic when I did.

Here's Andrew's latest coloring project. He's very proud of his work.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Still Adujusting

Sorry it has been so long since the last post. I'm sure you're wondering what's going on in the life of our house. Chris' mom just left and I'm sad because she was a lot of help. Andrew loved being able to go outside whenever he wanted to without waiting for Jonathan to wake up or finish eating. Jonathan is doing well. He had his 2 week weight check and was a whole 8lbs 1oz. We were excited because you never know if a nursing baby is getting enough. Another prayer has been answered with nursing. Jonathan is officially off the nursing shield. That is such a huge praise because now he doesn't have to work as hard to get his dinner. The doctor also told us that he would now consider him a normal healthy baby. His lungs and chest sound like all other babies. It is amazing how quickly they can heal.
Andrew is doing well too. He is still having sleep troubles. We think he thinks things are going on and he is missing out. He has had a small cold so the cold medicine has been helping him sleep more soundly. According to some of my friends I can't give that to him forever but I'll give it to him as long as I (opps I mean he) needs it. (Disclaimer: I would never intentionally dope my child up, it is a joke I promise.)

Many of my friends have come by and here is Sophia enjoying her time with Jonathan.

Andrew is playing peek-a-boo with Jonathan but Jonathan isn't really into it. Jonathan really likes to watch the lights on the radio. Andrew was teasing him by moving it around so much.

Here's Jonathan slowly growing up.

Jonathan loves to watch Andrew. His little eyes will follow Andrew or his head will move when he hears him talk. Here he is learning how to suck his fingers like his big brother.