Saturday, August 30, 2008

Andrew's Words...

Leaving the bank:
A: Mommy did you get me a sucker?
M: No, baby. I'm so sorry. They didn't give me any.
A: That's because you didn't ask. You don't ask because you're afraid they're going to say no.

I'm not sure how I feel about a 4 year old psychoanalyzing me. Don't get me wrong, he nailed the reason why I didn't ask but I just didn't want to hear it from him. FYI, he said it to me in the sweetest voice. I almost turned the car around for a sucker.

During preschool:
M: Andrew, I don't hear you reading your story.
A: That's because I'm reading it in my brain.

That makes sense.

Monday, August 25, 2008

More Pictures...

Not too much going on in our lives. Just the ordinary summer time activities.

This was actually a sweet moment when Jonathan wanted to love his brother. It didn't come across that way in this picture.
Here's an example of Andrew's love of order. Most of the foods he eats has to have order to it.
Andrew revealing in the order he has created.
Popcicle time.
Who doesn't like to show off their tongue when it's blue.
We are painting our kitchen. Andrew is helping me get the stuff down from that shelf. He thought this was awesome. I have yet to paint the kitchen. It took 3 coats of primer to cover the blue, so I'm a little unmotivated to paint.
Jonathan's trying to help too. Moriah's just wondering what is going on.
Monkey see, monkey do. Jonathan loves to copy whatever Andrew does. Sometimes that is good, most of the time it is just bad.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Pets

Introducing our newest pets...2 African pygmy frogs. Chris and I saw them on our getaway in TN and we both thought that Andrew would love them. It was later, after we had bought them, that I remembered that he hates frogs. He is so terrified that the frog is going to jump on him. Luckily, these frogs only stay in water and have a lid with no hopes of jumping around.
Chris the proud frog Daddy.
I don't think you can actually see the frogs but their in there somewhere. Andrew named them Koshi and Poshi. There is a snail in there also (who I think is dead because he doesn't move at all) is named Panda. Either my child really wants to be with Kirby or we have watched way to much Olympics.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hair Cut...

So the day finally came that I have been dreading for a long time, Jonathan's first haircut. I loved those curls and so did many other people. Sure a lot of people thought he was a girl but I knew he was strong enough in his manhood to handle it. Thanks to Travis who took on this task. He was very brave.
On a side note: My husband had been excited this hair cut but when he saw it he said,
"I didn't know you were going to cut it that short." Sure, after the haircut he doesn't want them cut. Jonathan is still adorable to me.

Catching Up...

I just uploaded some pictures that I had forgot about.

I love corn on the cob and I was excited to see that both my boys love it too. Jonathan had some eating technique problems. He kept gnawing on the top and missing all the sweet juicy corn.
Tabor and Moriah came over for a little play time. This was the highlight of Andrew's week.
This is Andrew's best pal.
This is a picture of pure happiness. Mommy letting me have a brownie...that's love.
Moriah is saying cheese or doing an Elvis impersonation.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Just Funny...

Saw this and thought it was funny...


A. Attached or Single? Happily attached
B. Best Friend? I have many best friends but only one BFF.
C. Cake or pie? Equally good.
D. Day of choice?'s family day.
E. Essential item? Cell phone even if I don't answer all the time, I like having it with me.
F. Favorite color? Purple (but it is no where in my home).
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears...and not the Harbo kind, they hurt your jaw.
H. Home town? Shawsville, VA (they still don't have a red light)
I. Favorite indulgence? Reading all day long, eating chocolate ice cream, not gaining a single pound, and not being interrupted with 'Mom I gotta poop.'
J. January or July? January--not big on sweating all day long.
K. Kids? Two amazing boys
L. Life isn’t complete without? Salvation and time with my family.
M. Marriage date? August 14, 1999
N. Number of brothers and sisters? brother, sister, me, brother
O. Oranges or Apples? Apples, oranges are too much work
P. Phobias? Ledges with no guardrails. I have dreams all the time of falling off ledges.
Q. Quotes? I can't, Jesus can.
R. Reasons to smile? My husband makes me laugh all the time.
S. Season of choice? Fall
T. Tag 5 people: Tonya, Felicia, Sarah L., Sarah P., and Missy
U. Unknown fact about me? My nose is extremely sensitive. My husband calls me a hound dog.
V. Vegetable? cucumbers and carrots
W. Worst habit? eating too much
X. X-ray or Ultrasound? Ultrasound, unless it is done during first trimester (moms know what I'm talking about).
Y. Your favorite food? My mom's cooking and Chinese
Z. Zodiac sign? Leo
(Another) Z. Which zoo animal is your favorite? Zebras

Friday, August 01, 2008


I keep meaning to update you on all that the boys can do.
Here's Jonathan's latest:
  • he can now say: amen, bug (isn't that like a boy), shoes (which sounds like juice).
  • he runs to get his shoes when we say we are leaving.
  • he gets so excited when people he knows come over.
  • he runs to me to give him a hug and a kiss before I leave, which is adorable.
  • he likes to walk instead of me carrying him.
  • he now signs thank you. On a side note, I've been working with him to say 'Love you,' with not much luck. I get down and put his cute little face in my hands and say 'I love you Jonathan.' All he hears is 'you' which sounds a lot like the thank you we have been working on. So instead of saying love you to me, he just just signs thank you. Very cute.
Here's Andrew's latest:
  • he can read. I've been doing preschool here at home since he turned 3. When he turned 4 it all clicked in his brain and started to catch on to all the sounds quickly. Now we'll be driving down the road or reading his Bible story and he'll sound out words. Very cool.
That's all for now.