Saturday, April 28, 2007

Family Night

Andrew's 3rd birthday is Monday. Since we will have lots of family in, we decided to celebrate his birthday on Saturday just our family. He got a coupon for a free kid's meal at Red Robin. You'll never guess where we decided to eat his birthday dinner, that's right, Red Robin.
Just before we went Andrew and Jonathan were playing and loving each other.

Here's Jonathan hamming it up for the camera.

This is his last and final attempt at smiling.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! They love each other.

This is my favorite picture because of the story behind it. Andrew was struggling to eat his ice cream with the tiny teaspoon. Chris was struggling to focus on Andrew because the football draft was on (Atlanta Falcons draft to be specific). That is Chris holding the spoon and Andrew giving up trying to get the ice cream off the spoon and finding an easier way to eat it. I just happened to have the camera poised and ready.

Nice Hair

I have so many terrific friends and church family. They made this weekend truly special for Chris and me by wisking us off to a romantic bed and breakfast. Like any woman, I wanted to look extra special for my husband so Kathleen offered to do my hair. She gave me some wonderful highlights and lots of beautiful curls. The only problem with the hair is that I will never be able to duplicate it. Thanks a bunch Kathleen for making me look extra special.
Here is what it looks like from the front.

Here's my better side.

Thanks to all who were involved in our special weekend. Chris and I were so blessed and overwhelmed we cannot put into words how thankful we are. For a time, there was no talk of cancer or what is to come, it was just us enjoying one-another's company. For that, we are eternally greatful.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Picture Update

I recently pulled out the camera and realized I had taken a few photos and never blogged them.
Someday Andrew will learn a different way of holding Jonathan. Until then, the strangle hold will have to do.

I was bored one morning after feeding him and I snapped this happy shot. I need to find the one I did of Andrew because they look very similar.

Some day I am going to be a good mommy and not take a picture of this but actually put the pacifier in his mouth. If you can see, the pacifier is right there on his arm.

This picture was taken this morning after I had to wash his hair. He doesn't like to have spikey hair. This is his attempt to smile despite his total lack of desire to do it. Again, any normal mom would fix his hair and move on, but I wanted to capture it on film.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Off the Market

My baby brother is off the market!!! He got married yesterday to Wibke (pronounced Vib-ka) in a small ceremony in Germany. Their official wedding is May 5th, which I am sorry to say that I cannot attend. Their first trip as an official married couple...whatelse but a trip to the city of love, Paris. Isn't that what all newlyweds do, run off to Paris. Here are a couple of the wedding pics.

This picture reminds me of one of my favorite pictures from my wedding day. I love that it is natural.

My brother won't like this next comment, but his build looks like our Dad's on his wedding day.

I can't believe my baby brother is married. Congrats to the happy couple!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What's New

Not too much going on in our home. Jonathan is continuing to grow like crazy. Andrew is continuing to be a great big brother and constant encourager to me. I had an appointment with a radiation oncologist and my pre-op this week. Both went well, which was an answer to my prayers. We had had so many discouraging doctors appointments lately but this time the doctors had good things to say. My CT scan came back clear and that is a huge praise the Lord, which means there is no obvious spreading on the cancer. My ENT doctor believes I should talking and back to my normal life within the first couple of weeks. Good for me, bad for Chris. He thought he was going to enjoy some time of peace and quiet.
I've been lazy with the camera lately. This week I will try to get some pics of the boys.

Friday, April 13, 2007


We have a week here at the Dowd home. As I write I am sucking down another cup of coffee due to the lack of energy. While enjoying my coffee Andrew is entertaining Jonathan and I love hearing that. Jonathan went for his 2 month check-up on Thursday and all went relatively well. His weight continues to grow right as the right pace. His little soft spot is a little sunken so we go back next week to make sure that he is gaining weight and that it is just because soft spot is a little big. He had 3 shots and they really affected him. He started running a fever last night and it continues today, plus he is super sleepy. He hasn't been real hungry and just looks around while he is awake. Jonathan is doing well with his sleeping. He has slept through the night a couple of times, and on those nights Andrew has chosen to get up a few times. I feel certain that someday I will get a whole night of rest and I will enjoy it.
As for my health, I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and set a surgery date for May 1st. They plan on removing the tumor and my left lymph noid. After surgery they will know more info and then decide on future treatment.
I was having a rough morning this morning and Andrew came up to me and rubbed my arm and said,' Is you tongue hurting Mommy?' and I said, 'Yes.' He then replied, 'God will heal it.' At that I hugged him and cried a little harder. God will heal it and I believe he will. I love Andrew's sensitive heart.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

I can't believe what I just did, but I completely forgot to take a family Easter picture. There were families taking pictures at church and I thought to make a mental note to do that as soon as we got home. As you can tell, the mental note did not work. As I looked at the other blogs I remembered it hadn't been done. Oh well, life will go on. We did have a great Easter. Chris' parents are in town and his brother's family (who live in Wake Forest) came over for an Easter dinner. Did I mention I only made the ham, my sister-in-law made all the yummy sides and my mom-in-law made the dessert, I mainly provided the eating site. Andrew got to play with his 2 cousins (Sadie (3) and Mia (1)) and had a great time. The parents took the night off and watched as the grandparents played with the kids. They caught onto us and let us know that they were tired (in a very nice way). I must say it was nice to eat a piece a strawberry shortcake without having to share a single bite with anyone (and I think you know who I mean...Chris). It was a very hectic time but it was fun at the same time.

This was a picure from a month ago that I had forgot to post. It looks like Jonathan is contemplating boxing that cow. Luckily we stopped it before a rumble broke out.

This outfit might look familiar to you. Rachel P. let us borrow this from Bennet. I'm keeping the tradition alive and posting the outfit. I love putting the monkey hat on Jonathan because it looks like a skully. Which, as you know, is very cool where we live.

This is as close to an Easter picture as you are going to get. Andrew's grandparents gave him this Easter basket full of good stuff. They were kind enough not to pack it full to-the-brim with candy.

This is Pa Pa with his grandkids minus Jonathan. He is a proud grandparent. As for the picture, there was no way I was going to get all 3 to pose for a great pic at 8 pm. I settled for this to avoid a battle.

We hope everyone had a great Ressurection Day!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Brotherly Love

Please don't cringe as you watch the first video. I was there and I was ready to grab Jonathan when Andrew got too rough. Andrew loves to hold him and rock him just like mommy. I wish I could take credit for the song, but that is all Andrew. They love to show brothterly love.

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