Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday

Today is Andrew's 4th birthday. Here he is throughout the years...
Day after actual birthday
Year #1
Year #2
Year #3
Year #4

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Florida Trip Same Day

After we spent time at Chris' family we piled back in the car and headed to my sister's new home. The boys got to play with their cousin Isabella who is now 4 months old and starting to roll over. It was fun to hold a baby again.
Jonathan is trying to show Isabella how to play with this toy. He later stepped on her to get her attention but found out all she does is cry when she is in pain.
I don't remember what they were doing. I think loving each other.
Here's the gang...the boys and Isabella.

Florida Trip Part 1

We made it to my Mom and Dad's home safely last Tuesday. The plane ride was uneventful, Jonathan slept in my lap (after realizing I wasn't going to let him play) and Andrew helped me try to figure out why his DVD player wouldn't work (we still never figured it out).
On Wednesday, Andrew, Jonathan, Maw Maw, and I piled in the car and headed to Lakeland to visit all of Chris' family. They all came to Aunt Kathy and Uncle Kerry's lovely home for lunch and meet the boys (mainly the latter). Here are some of the pictures:
Aunt Mary, Paw Paw, and the boys on a jet ski.
They played so hard they were ready for a PB&J.
Jonathan enjoying his first Oreo!!! I read on a t-shirt once 'Happiness is a cookie in both hands.' I think there is a lot of truth to that.

Jacob, Hunter, Andrew, Jonathan, and Lisa (Chris' cousin) Jacob and Hunter are Debbie's (not pictured) children and she is another cousin.
Uncle Kerry is fast becoming Andrew's favorite Uncle and you'll see why.
Yup, that's Andrew and his new favorite Uncle Kerry.
Jonathan is for a safer ride in the pontoon boat with Paw Paw.
This is Chris' grandpa, GG, and the boys.
Jonathan was enjoying this but I missed that great shot.
Aunt Kathy enjoying some loving from the boys. Jonathan was loving on her until I picked up the camera. I ruined a beautiful moment.
They even let me love on them for a moment.
Favorite Uncle Kerry letting Andrew drive the boat. Andrew was a bit disappointed because he found out that this wasn't a pirate ship. Apparently, he only wants to drive pirate ships. If Uncle Kerry had a pirate ship he would seal-the-deal of favorite uncle. Thanks to Chris' family for the wonderful time. As we drove away Andrew said, "Now that was fun!" I guess that sums it all up.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bed Head

This is when you know sleep was good. Retro picture of Andrew waking up with some crazy hair.
Yesterday, I had to take Jonathan to the doctor for a rattle in his chest. Yes, he has bronchitis. Please pray for him.
On the ride home Andrew surprised me by saying "Hey Mommy, Dr. Lane rhymes with plane." He amazes me with what he can do.

P.S. I got most of my things done on my to do list.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Big Adventures...

The boys and I have a big adventure tomorrow. We are heading to FL via an airplane. Today the to do list includes:
  1. find summer clothes for Jonathan
  2. wash clothes for Jonathan
  3. clean house because Life Groups meet here tomorrow
  4. finish planting flowers I bought Saturday
  5. pack all the stuff I can in 2 suitcases
  6. make dinner for us
  7. give the kids a bath
We'll see all that I actually accomplish.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Amazement Square

Andrew and his friends went to Amazement Square; it is a fun, hands-on play area.
Too many pictures to try and be cute and clever. Must get to it...
Here's the crew...Cherith, Austen, Jordan, and Andrew.Welcome to the farm room.

I'm documenting all the excited lawn mower (or 'lawn mowler' as he likes to say) now and will post all the not-so-excited lawn mower shots in about 13 years.
Welcome to the Egyptian room. That's Cherith and Andrew.
Apparently, they built the pyramids. Austen and Jordan were doing crafts in this room.

Welcome to the paint room and the walls are their canvas. By the time we got there all the walls were painted and left little room for them.

Welcome to the music room (Andrew's favorite room).

Welcome to story time.

They had a great time and we (Tonya, Lynnea and me) were zonked. I can't believe I am actually posting this instead of taking a nap .

Play Time..

I'm trying hard not to be so camera lazy. The boys were playing and Andrew decided to put on his cowboy boots. That's just one of those classic kid pictures.
Jonathan is thinking, 'Hey, where did he get those cool boots? I think he found them this way." or "I don't want any part of this."
Jonathan playing with his new favorite toy (thanks to BFF and her toy contributions to Bedrock).
I love this picture. They both look so sweet.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Tabor's Birthday Party

On Saturday, Andrew was invited to Tabor's birthday party. Here are some pictures...
Jordan picking Andrew up. Not real sure why.Jonathan discovered the joys of a sword.
Austen and Andrew wanted to relax on the hammock together. Here's their conversation:
Austen: Sometimes I like to relax with my eyes open.
Andrew: I like to relax with my best friend.
Austen: I love you too.
And then they embrace and Tonya wonders if she should intervene since she is the only adult seeing this unfold. Goals this week: figure out if cuddling is and is not ok for 3 year olds .
Andrew pretending to snore...
and Austen thinking that was hilarious.
Jonathan did not want to relinquish his sword.
So the party had a Star Wars theme (including Jonge dressed as one of the character, uncertain as to which one, but clearly not Yoda*) and now all Andrew talks about is Star Wars. I'm going to try to get him breathing like Darth Vadar*, it's hilarious.

*I don't know how to spell those names at all. I hope I'm in the ballpark.


Andrew was so excited on Saturday when he found out that his friends were coming over to play for a few hours.
We set up the train set and it surprisingly entertained everyone.
Conductor Tabor was really into it. Moriah just wanted to be with Tabor.
Conductor Andrew taking care of his corner.
Moriah got so excited about seeing Jonathan she tackled him and gave him a little love bite. will need an engineering degree to put together a train track (or some luck in my case). It doesn't help when Jonathan has a Godzilla complex and keeps walking through it and kicking it apart.