Friday, December 29, 2006

It's Set

Baby #2 will be here on February 12, 2007 at 12:30pm, if that is what God wills. I just talked with Ms. Smith and she scheduled us and we are excited and slightly nervous. It is very exciting. Please pray that all would go according to God's plan.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


To answer some of your questions concerning Christmas at the Dowds...yes I did get my necklace. Chris still says that he didn't buy it that day and I believe him. I need to take a picture because it is beautiful. It is the eternity style (I don't know the real name but it looks like an O) with diamonds and amethysts. Those gems are both of the boys birthstones and the eternity represents that they'll always be my boys. It is such a thoughtful and beautiful gift, kindof makes me feel bad for buying Chris sock (but in my defense they are Kenneth Cole socks).
Someone asked if he plays with the train at night...the answer is no. He has been sick with a fever since Christmas so when he goes to bed he's out. We took him to the doctors today and miraculously he was healed in the waiting room. For 3 days he has had a fever but when the nurse took his temperature there was nothing. They checked for strep and his ears but he was perfectly fine. As soon as we got home his fever came back and all he wanted was to be held. I took advantage of that.
So where does the genius part come into play? Well, while we were sitting in the waiting room we were looking at the picture behind us and he pointed to the letter H and said 'Look mommy, home.' All of our puzzles or flash cards have a home on the letter H. I asked him what the next letter was and he said 'O, and there's another O and another O.' I was shocked because he had picked out the three Os. We went over a couple more letters and he would recall them if I asked. When I told Chris what had happened he said 'That's my boy!' Such a proud Daddy. I don't blame him because I'm just as proud. But don't we all think our child is a genius? I wonder if Einstein's mommy thought he was a genius, she was actually right.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas at the Dowds

All in all it was a great Christmas.

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I love the joy in his face when he plays with his train tracks. He loves his Thomas the Train. His hat was made by G.G. and he loves to wear it. I came around the corner and this is the cute face I saw. I hope everyone else had a great Christmas too.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Truly an Update

Well I finally made it to the doctors and all is well. I had gained four pounds, which is the most I had gained at one time and it bothered me a great deal. Dr. Gunter said he didn't mind at all since in the whole scheme of things I had only gained 10 pounds. He is such a nice doctor. Everything else looked great.
An update on the Christmas shopping for Mommy. Sorry to say there is no update. Apparently the boys have been sworn to secrecy.

Monday, December 18, 2006

# 2 Update

I went today for a regular visit at the Ob Gyn office. I was so proud of Andrew and myself because the appointment was at 8:20 and we were there on time. The only problem is that my appointment is tomorrow (Tuesday). Chalk that up to having a pregnancy brain. I thought it was odd that the ObGyn didn't call to remind me of my visit. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a true update.
Friday, Chris and Andrew went Christmas shopping for me while I was cleaning a house. I came home so excited to see my family and find out how their shopping went. I found out through Andrew that he fell while Daddy got a necklace for Mommy. Chris is sticking to his guns that because Andrew fell and made a scene he didn't purchase anything. I'm not sure who I want to believe. I think if I pry a little harder Andrew will give up more info.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's Christmas!!!!

So many cute things have happened and I really should write them all down because I know I won't be able to remember all of this. Last Saturday, Chris and I got all the Christmas decorations down and started to decorate while Andrew was sleeping. My hopes were to have it all done before he got up but I'm very ADD when it comes to decorating so very little got done. We managed to get the tree up, the outside lights up and a nativity scene. Chris and I were about to decorate something when Andrew walks out and his eyes got so big and he said 'It's Christmas!' He said it in such a way that is wasn't quite a whisper but not quite speaking. He walked around and took it all in. Then Rachel brought Kirby over to hang out with Andrew. When she pulled up Andrew ran out to meet her and told her it was Christmas inside. I wish I had caught the whole scene of video because it was priceless. Now as we drive around at night Andrew points out where Christmas is (that means anything with Christmas lights).
For all the super spiritual people reading this and wondering what is the godly family teaching their son about Christmas. Rest assured we share with him what Christmas is truly about but seriously, he's two and he doesn't quite grasp the ramifications of Christ coming to this earth as a baby. He's more concerned about taking baby Jesus (in the nativity scene) to the bathroom because apparently he told him he had to go.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Prayer Warrior

I have to brag on Andrew for just a few moments. Every night just before bed time we have Bible story and prayer time. Usually Daddy reads from his kids Bible and he says a prayer then Andrew will pray too, mainly for his dawgum and big boy bed. But lately his prayers have been very specific. Now his prayers will take a little longer because he needs to include all his family (and mention where they are) and his friends. One time his thanked Jesus for mommy's nose. Truly a blessing because so many times I forget to thank Jesus for the little things.
Lately, he now wants to read Bible stories out of the Bible he got at his dedication. Usually I can't understand what he is saying but the other night his Bible story was, 'Jesus says, Jesus thank you for the food.' I thought this was very profound because he realizes it's not just what Mommy and Daddy wants but it is what Jesus wants too.
The last preacher kid story for the day is about all the rain that we've had. We were going to bed and he told me that God was watering the plants. I love how he realizes God in little things too.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Cold Busted

It was a rare occasion in the Dowd house...I felt like baking. Andrew and I baked a strawberry cake just before he took his afternoon nap. When he woke up all he wanted to do was try his cake. I told him he could have a piece after dinner and apparently that would not do for him. While I was talking on the phone I came in to see him secretly eating his cake. This is his face as I busted him eating his cake. As you can tell he even pulled the plate closer because he didn't want to miss a single morsel of icing.
In all fairness to him, he didn't eat that much frosting, that's just how poorly I frost a cake. Plus, those cans of frosting don't have as much frosting as they use to have. Usually I can have a little bit and there still be some for the cake. I guess those people at Betty Crocker are cutting back on their portions. Wait till they get my stern letter of dissapproval. Just kidding I couldn't resist eating some cream cheese frosting (maybe some isn't the right word).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I had my dr. visit on Monday and had a long visit. We had another ultrasound and I got to see baby #2 again. If you remember he was having some kidney problems but our prayers have been answered and God fixed it. His kidneys were normal size and he weighed 1lb 8oz. Since I knew how much the baby weighed I asked the dr. to subtract that from my weight but she said she couldn't. I also had the glucose check and won't know anything for a week. Everything else looked good. I had gained 3 lbs but I attribute that to eating at Red Robins and Cold Stone on Friday. Please pray for me and my weight. Pray that God would give me the discipline to eat in moderation. I don't need to gain any weight and have been told so by the doctors.
Andrew is sick right now and is no fun to be around. I felt so sorry for him yesterday at Wal-Mart. As I was shopping he laid his head on my coat and sucked his fingers looking very pitiful. He kept saying 'I'm just tired.' I wish I could say I was nice and didn't spend as much time there but that would be a lie. For some reason I felt unorganized and was all over the place. My nephew's birthday is next week and I was trying to figure out what to get him. So not only did I take forever to shop but I kept going back to the toy department and torturing Andrew. The last time I went he didn't even raise his head because he knew it wouldn't help.
Other than that all is well.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dinner Last Night

As you know Andrew loves to help me cook. Anytime I stand at the sink now he runs and gets his stool. Yesterday, he had a melt down because he thought I was going to cook but all I wanted was a glass of water. He thought I was secretly cooking without him. We did make dinner together last night. I put all the ingredients in the bowl and had him 'cook them.' While he was stirring he sneezed right into the bowl. I said that's alright we'll just mix it up and bake it at 350 for 15 mins and that should get most of the germs. Maybe next week I'll teach how to cook a sanitary meal.
As for baby #2, he is apparently having a party in my belly. Ever since last night he has not stopped moving. He was kicking and moving so much last night that Chris got to feel him. Right now as I type he has having gymnastics practice. It is a very special time and I'm enjoying it.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I had the privilege of having my lunch cooked for me the other day. He made me tomato soup and later helped me make tuna cassarole for Daddy. Any time I get ready to cook he grabs his stool and offers a hand.  Posted by Picasa

He loves this video and loves to dance to it.  Posted by Picasa

Andrew's new favorite show is watching his own fishing video. Thanks to Daddy and Uncle Jay for making this video possible. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fishing Update

After weeks, or maybe just a week of non-stop practice, Andrew has gotten really good at casting and reeling in his fake fish. All he wants to do is go fishing. He will stand there casting and reeling in for hours (at least it feels that way for me). Sometimes he does cast a few backwards but for the most part he is very good. If we are getting into the van to go somewhere he grabs his fishing pole and casts a couple of times and then gets into the car. It amazes me.
Baby boy #2 is doing fine too. He's making room for himself so I've been in some pain lately. It only shows up at night or if I bend over too much. He's still active especially if I'm watching TV.
That's all I got for now.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This is the best tux pic that was sent to me. I think he looks handsome. Posted by Picasa

Andrew is dancing with Pricilla. I wish you could see her up close, she is beatiful with her latina look. Be careful ladies, Dowd men (mainly mine) have a thing for the Latina women. Posted by Picasa

Here's the bridal party being silly. Sorry the picture isn't better but the sun wasn't cooperating. Isn't the setting beautiful. At the dock behind us is where they said 'I do.' Posted by Picasa

Here's Andrew borrowing his cousin Kirsten's headphones. He loved them bunches and was thankful that she shared with him. Posted by Picasa

Andrew fishing with his Paw Paw and his new Uncle Chris is in the background. Posted by Picasa

Andrew with his cousins Alexis (left) and Kirsten. Posted by Picasa

The Baby Moves

I've been so excited because I can now feel baby boy #2 move. It began while I was in FL but I wasn't for sure but as I sit and watch TV or be real active I will feel him move. I forgot how special that feeling is, especially since he is not kicking hard enough for others to feel. I do cherish these times.
I was able to come up some wedding pics so you will get to see them as well.

Monday, October 09, 2006

His eyes are on the fish making sure it won't go anywhere. As soon as I pulled out the camera he stood like this. Maybe holding a fishing pole while posing for a picture is an innate ability in all boys. Posted by Picasa

See the little fish he caught. Posted by Picasa

Just practicing his casting. Posted by Picasa

Look at that intensity. Posted by Picasa

Practicing with Daddy. Posted by Picasa


I realized this weekend as my sister-in-law and all the rest of us were getting our nails and toe nails polished that I would never have the joy of taking my daughter to have her nails get done. It sadden me for a moment but then I received a pick-me-up picture message of my son and his Paw Paw fishing. For his gift of being the ring bearer in my sister's wedding he received a fishing pole. Not just any fishing pole but a Batman fishing pole equipped with a practice fish to cast and reel in. Let me tell you this is the greatest gift to him ever. Tonight he practiced casting and reeling the whole time Chris mowed the lawn.
As for the wedding, he did very well. He walked down the aisle with his cousin Alexis and me. This wasn't the planned way for coming down the aisle but at the last minute he boycotted walking alone with his cousin. He was doing great standing next to me up at the front until those rose petals caught his attention. He then left my side to pick up and smell each rose petal individually. Luckily Chris got his attention before he went up the whole aisle. We all got a nice chuckle out of it. I forgot my camera but my sister's wedding was beautiful. It was out doors right next to the bayou as the sun was setting. Hopefully I can find some pics because I want you to see Andrew in a tux.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's A Boy!!!!!!

I'm excited to tell all my blogging friends and family that we are having another boy!!!! Yesterday we had an ultasound and got to see the wonderful baby #2. He was very active but not to active to show off his man parts. There is no doubt that it is a boy. I'd show you the man parts pic but I think baby #2 is very modest and doesn't want anyone but mommy and daddy seeing. I'm sure you understand. They did find that his kidney is dialated in the high normal range. They said this is very common in boys because the tubes are so small but something all you can pray for.
I became good friends was the ultrasound tech and she ended up at the end doing a 4-D ultrasound. I would show you those pics but they scare me quite a bit. He was moving a lot so she couldn't get into focus. She was sweet though for trying.
Andrew is very excited. He likes looking at the pictures of baby brother. When we asked if he was excited about having a baby brother he said yes. But two seconds later he asked if we were going to check the mail. I don't think it is on his priorties list yet. Andrew does like to say hello to his baby brother and give him hugs and kisses. It is super sweet and I'll try to get a pic of it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Wow sometimes I sit and wonder where does the time go. I distinctly remember looking at Andrew when he was 1 month old thinking people are crazy, time does not fly by. It felt like those first couple of months took forever. Now, I want to put a brick on his head and force the clock to slow down. I don't know if any other mom feels this way but I bet they do. For the new moms, time does pick up speed as they get older.
This reminds me of how grown up my 2 1/2 year old son is. He is in a breakfast rut. He loves his cereal. Every morning you ask him what he wants and it is his cereal. Not any specific kind any cereal will do. (Now I know any good parent wouldn't ask their child what they want for breakfast but would feed them whatever the good parent made. Apparently I am not quite there yet so bear with me.) One morning the only cereal we had was Chris' Cocoa Pebbles or as we like to call them, Daddy's cereal. Coco Pebbles are not very nutrional but who doesn't love chocolate milk at the end. Not being a hypocrit but Andrew is not allowed to have that cereal due to the fact I have to be with him while he is on the sugar/caffine chocolate high. So later that day we went and got some cinnamon Life and he couldn't wait for breakfast. The next day when we are sitting down to eat Chris pours some of the Life and Andrew protested and said, 'No, Daddy that is Andrew's cereal.' To which Chris replied, 'And did you pay for this cereal?' To which Andrew replied, 'Yes.' Amazed Chris said, 'And how did you pay for this cereal?' Andrew simply replied, 'Playing ball.' Who knew our 2 1/2 year old had a sports endorsement.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

This is a very versitle toy. Although to many it would look like a golf club, but recently it has been transformed into a guitar. We are still working on how to properly hold a guitar.  Posted by Picasa

This one left the impressions in the wrist. Posted by Picasa

I know...they are too small. Posted by Picasa

Fall Clothes

A couple of weeks ago I decided to go thru Andrew's clothes to see if some would still fit from last year. Needless to say he had a growth spurt and I only got to keep a few pieces. He got so tired of trying on clothes that he said 'No mommy no more clothes.' Remember that his head is in the 95th percentile so he probably got a headache from putting (or should I say squeezing) shirts on and off. I took a couple of pics of the coats. He wanted to keep them on but they started to choke him. Rachel was here and she noticed that one of them left impressions in his wrists.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Clearly the lion is saying please (even though the picture is blurry). The story about the lion is below. Posted by Picasa

Very Observant

At lunch today Andrew amazed us yet again. He has a Madagascar cup with a lion on the top that his Tia Jeni bought him. He told Chris that the lion was saying please. Remember we taught Andrew sign language and he still uses the please even though he can say it. Back to the lion, if you look at the lion his paw is on his chest and it looks like he is signing please. I don't know where he comes up with these things. I'm simply amazed.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sorry about the ticker

I tried to get a ticker up and going but I quit. Apparently it isn't as easy as everyone thinks it is. If you want to know how far along I am just ask. If you are wondering I am feeling fine. No unusual cravings. Half the time I forget that I am pregnant because God has blessed me with no morning sickness. I can't wait to feel the baby move around so I'll feel more pregnant.
We need to pray for Andrew and his pee pee potty. For some strange reason he has woke up the past 5 mornings wet. I don't know if he is getting lazy or if...I'm not real sure what the other problems could be. Tonight I cut off all drinks at 6:30. I know that sounds early but I want to pinpoint the problem. Andrew loves to drink. He will drink so much that he won't eat his meals. So cutting him off wasn't real hard on either of us. He's use to mommy saying no more drinks. Just pray that I will gain wisdom and his bladder will hold. I know he can do it because he had gone more than 2 weeks without a problem. I'm stumped.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where to begin

For those who check out my blog and for days, perhaps a week or two and nothing new, for that I am truly sorry. I could come up with some clever excuses, like I am parent and I don't have time, but mostly I nap (remember I am pregnant and naps are okay any time of day) or do laundry and don't have time. If I wrote down all the adorable things that Andrew does or says there wouldn't be enough room.
Before we left for Asheville last Thursday I had a doctors appt. and Andrew got to come with me. That was an experience. The joy of waiting in the room for the doctor was interesting. The doctor was listening for the heartbeat and Andrew kept asking, 'What's that Mommy?' I told him it was the baby and he got so excited and started to jump up and down and say, 'Baby brother sister here, baby brother sister here!' It was so adorable. It broke my heart to say no the baby is not here. I get so excited when he gets excited about the baby. I think his favorite part about the visit was the sucker-da-candy (his way of saying sucker) he got at the end.
We then left and met his Paw Paw in Greensboro. Chris and I were on our way on a singles retreat in Asheville and GG and Paw Paw were kind enough to watch him for us. It was nice to have some alone time, but it was even nicer to hangout with everyone and not worry about bedtimes or naptimes. We were able to minister to the singles unhindered. I had a great time and I was glad I was able to go. I know Andrew had a blast at the grandparents house. Who wouldn't like candy and mac-n-cheese as staples in their diet. Just kidding grandparents, I know you added some fruit.
There are many more stories but you'll have to call to get them. Andrew's in bed and I need to do my quiet time while I have some quiet time left.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I don't know why I love this shot but I do. It looks like a toddler not wanting to take any more photographs. Posted by Picasa