Friday, February 23, 2007

Adjusting To Home

Every day is different here. Some days are good days and some days are bad days. Andrew is adjusting too. His tender heart is made evident in so many ways. He doesn't like to hear Jonathan cry and offers him a pacifier to calm him down. Andrew will pass by Jonathan's room and tell him it will be okay and to stop crying. As for playing with him...nothing. I'm sure that will change with time. Here are some pics of our life now.
This is Andrew meeting Jonathan for the first time at the hospital. He gave him so many kisses.

This is Jonathan's first bath. This was not a relaxing time for him. Of course, laying there naked with lukewarm water on you is never very relaxing.

This is an example of Andrew wanting to take a picture with Jonathan. Andrew is still in his pjs. The first thing he did was ask to take a picture with him.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Huge Praise

We are all home finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday was a crazy day but in the end we all came home. We checked into the hospital Monday night and it was awesome to hold Jonathan without all the attachments. Just to be able to move around and not worry what monitor I would set off. That night went really well surprisingly. In the morning he was about to wake up and all the the nurses decided take blood, check his vitals, and all the other things that are necessary but annoying.
On a more girly note, but a huge pray that God answered. We were really struggling to get him nursing. He would latch on but not stay on. I had a lactation consultation just before leaving and she introduced me to a shield that feels like a bottle for Jonathan. He took to that right away and ever since then feedings have gone smoothly. I was so thankful for he because I was at my wits ends with nursing.
Our first day and night went relatively well. Please cont to pray for us. Sleep deprivation is a nasty feeling.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Pics Update

This is what they call a milk coma.

See how your prayers are being answered.

Just a quick update...they have tried a couple of times to take Jonathan off the breathing tube but have not had much success. So continue to pray that his lungs will mature. As soon as that happens he can come home. I'm already at home and it is very hard driving back and forth to the hospital for feedings and dropping off milk for him. It is taking a toll on Chris more so than me because I can't drive while on the meds. Please pray the God will con't to give him the strength he needs. I feel better but keep forgetting to take my meds. Andrew is doing well too. He can't wait for Jonathan to come home. He looks foward to seeing pictures or video we take while at the hospital. Please con't to pray for us. It is amazing how I can feel your prayers when I need it the most.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Update picture...


Okay, I know you want pics and I want to give you pics but as you can tell it is really early and Chris is still sleeping. As soon as he gets up we'll post some pics and you can see how your prayers are being answered. Yesterday was a great day for Jonathan. He is still in the Special Care nursery but has improved in lots of ways. I got to hold him for the first time yesterday (a great Valentines gift) and the doctor saw how well he did all bundled up next to me that he decided to take him out of the hood and use a nasal tube for oxygen. Jonathan definitely needs the O2 but they are weaning him from it very slowly. It is so much nicer to be able to go in and truly look at him and not struggle to see through the hood.
He is still on an IV and they had to put it in his head because they couldn't find any good veins in his hands. So prepare yourself when you see the pics. It doesn't hurt him at all but it isn't pretty to look at either. The good news is that he ate from a bottle 2 times yesterday and I got to feed him one of those times. He started the day eating 5ml of milk to eating 35ml of milk by dinner time. Apparently a lot of his fussiness and lack of sleep was from a lack of food. The good news also is that my milk has come in so he is eating mainly mommy's milk and only a little formula. That is truly an answered prayer from the Lord.
It was such a special day yesterday and I just thank the Lord because I know it came from Him. I don't when Jonathan will be out of the Special Care nursery but we're not pushing it because I want him to be healthy. They did another chest x-ray and it was still hazy (which indicated that he has premature lung disease) but no pnuemonia. All the tests for bacteria infections came back negative so he is also off the antibiotics. Continued blessings from above. God is good.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007


February 12, 2007
7 pounds 14 ounces
21 inches long

He is here but his little body needs some prayer. He is having a little trouble breathing and so they have him in the special care nursery. Please pray that God would open up his lungs so that he can breathe normally and come and spend time with Mommy and Daddy. I will post more info and pictures as soon as I can.

Today's the Day

In just a few hours we get to meet #2. I am so excited and a little tired due to the lack of sleep last night. I tried and tried but my dreams kept waking me up.
Andrew's excited too. He wanted to celebrate his baby brothers birth by baking him some cupcakes. It's funny though, he's eaten 2 and the baby isn't even here yet. He's even set out the candle for the baby to blow.
Well the next time you hear from me you'll know all about him.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

We're Ready

So today I finally got everything ready for #2. The clothes are washed, the pacifiers are washed and anything else that needed washing got washed today. The room is set up and ready, plus all the toys are ready to be played with. The only thing missing is the baby. That will be remedied in 5 short days (ZOINKS). We've been praying for him for months and we are very ready to meet him. Plus, I can't wait to introduce him to you.