Friday, December 29, 2006

It's Set

Baby #2 will be here on February 12, 2007 at 12:30pm, if that is what God wills. I just talked with Ms. Smith and she scheduled us and we are excited and slightly nervous. It is very exciting. Please pray that all would go according to God's plan.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


To answer some of your questions concerning Christmas at the Dowds...yes I did get my necklace. Chris still says that he didn't buy it that day and I believe him. I need to take a picture because it is beautiful. It is the eternity style (I don't know the real name but it looks like an O) with diamonds and amethysts. Those gems are both of the boys birthstones and the eternity represents that they'll always be my boys. It is such a thoughtful and beautiful gift, kindof makes me feel bad for buying Chris sock (but in my defense they are Kenneth Cole socks).
Someone asked if he plays with the train at night...the answer is no. He has been sick with a fever since Christmas so when he goes to bed he's out. We took him to the doctors today and miraculously he was healed in the waiting room. For 3 days he has had a fever but when the nurse took his temperature there was nothing. They checked for strep and his ears but he was perfectly fine. As soon as we got home his fever came back and all he wanted was to be held. I took advantage of that.
So where does the genius part come into play? Well, while we were sitting in the waiting room we were looking at the picture behind us and he pointed to the letter H and said 'Look mommy, home.' All of our puzzles or flash cards have a home on the letter H. I asked him what the next letter was and he said 'O, and there's another O and another O.' I was shocked because he had picked out the three Os. We went over a couple more letters and he would recall them if I asked. When I told Chris what had happened he said 'That's my boy!' Such a proud Daddy. I don't blame him because I'm just as proud. But don't we all think our child is a genius? I wonder if Einstein's mommy thought he was a genius, she was actually right.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas at the Dowds

All in all it was a great Christmas.

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I love the joy in his face when he plays with his train tracks. He loves his Thomas the Train. His hat was made by G.G. and he loves to wear it. I came around the corner and this is the cute face I saw. I hope everyone else had a great Christmas too.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Truly an Update

Well I finally made it to the doctors and all is well. I had gained four pounds, which is the most I had gained at one time and it bothered me a great deal. Dr. Gunter said he didn't mind at all since in the whole scheme of things I had only gained 10 pounds. He is such a nice doctor. Everything else looked great.
An update on the Christmas shopping for Mommy. Sorry to say there is no update. Apparently the boys have been sworn to secrecy.

Monday, December 18, 2006

# 2 Update

I went today for a regular visit at the Ob Gyn office. I was so proud of Andrew and myself because the appointment was at 8:20 and we were there on time. The only problem is that my appointment is tomorrow (Tuesday). Chalk that up to having a pregnancy brain. I thought it was odd that the ObGyn didn't call to remind me of my visit. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a true update.
Friday, Chris and Andrew went Christmas shopping for me while I was cleaning a house. I came home so excited to see my family and find out how their shopping went. I found out through Andrew that he fell while Daddy got a necklace for Mommy. Chris is sticking to his guns that because Andrew fell and made a scene he didn't purchase anything. I'm not sure who I want to believe. I think if I pry a little harder Andrew will give up more info.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's Christmas!!!!

So many cute things have happened and I really should write them all down because I know I won't be able to remember all of this. Last Saturday, Chris and I got all the Christmas decorations down and started to decorate while Andrew was sleeping. My hopes were to have it all done before he got up but I'm very ADD when it comes to decorating so very little got done. We managed to get the tree up, the outside lights up and a nativity scene. Chris and I were about to decorate something when Andrew walks out and his eyes got so big and he said 'It's Christmas!' He said it in such a way that is wasn't quite a whisper but not quite speaking. He walked around and took it all in. Then Rachel brought Kirby over to hang out with Andrew. When she pulled up Andrew ran out to meet her and told her it was Christmas inside. I wish I had caught the whole scene of video because it was priceless. Now as we drive around at night Andrew points out where Christmas is (that means anything with Christmas lights).
For all the super spiritual people reading this and wondering what is the godly family teaching their son about Christmas. Rest assured we share with him what Christmas is truly about but seriously, he's two and he doesn't quite grasp the ramifications of Christ coming to this earth as a baby. He's more concerned about taking baby Jesus (in the nativity scene) to the bathroom because apparently he told him he had to go.