Monday, July 31, 2006

Numero Dos

I am so excited to announce that Chris and I are expecting baby number 2. The babies arrival date is February 19. Well see though, a Valentines baby would be fun too. Keep us in your prayers though. Tomorrow I meet with a prenatal (not sure of the spelling) doctor because I am considered a high risk pregnancy due to the blood clot I had after I had Andrew. We plan to do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby. If you are wondering I honestly don't care if it is a boy or a girl. Although Rachel did the voodoo pencil test and it showed a girl. I think it would be fun to have a little girl. So that is the news on my end.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Family Portraits

We had the opportunity to get our family protrait taken. I thought you might enjoy some of the pics. I will get the pics from PA on here as soon as I get them on my computer.

Monday, July 17, 2006

On The Road In PA

Andrew and I safely made it to PA to visit with my grandparents. They are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary by taking us on a train ride. My grandfather retired from the railroad but his heart still beats choo choo train. During his days with the railroad he was instrumental in getting rid of the cabooses. If you want his address to send complaints I'll give it to you.
Today was one of those full circle days. As children we would come and stay with our grandparents for weeks at a time. Very close to their home is a park that we would spend our evening riding rides. There are more pictures of my brothers, my sister and myself getting off the rides or going on the rides. It fostered many wonderful memories. Today I got to take Andrew and let him ride the same rides I use to ride. He loved it. I took lots of pictures but I am not quite sure how to put them on this computer. Back to the was fun to stand there and watch him go around and around. Most of the time he remember to say hi. He was more into driving the boat, car, or helicoptor. More than anything I wish Chris could be there. He would have loved it. There are only a handful of rides but he rode them all many times. I was proud of myself by the time we left I was actually letting the park employees put Andrew on and off the rides. That was huge for me.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I think most parents get this shot. He likes to talk on the phone. He tried calling his daddy using the bananas. I think the other one is call waiting. It is really cute. Posted by Picasa

Nothing better than a snack by the poolside. Later he would dip the chip in the pool and try to eat it.  Posted by Picasa

Don't worry, Chris is just out of camera shot. He does love the pool. A place we go at least once a week. Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 10, 2006

Virtual Dog Haters

I could not sit back and take it any more. You who say the dawgum is not a real pet should realize that he can hear you. This is the greatest pet ever. Never has he asked me to take him for a walk (in the snow, sleet, or rain especially) or play with him. I don't even have to feed him I have all my blogger friends to do that. No, dawgum is a great pet. Someday we'll have a real pet. One that pants and slobbers on guests, pees on carpets, eats shoes, and all the other lovely things that dogs are infamous for doing. Until then our family will embrace the virtual, battery operated, stuffed dogs.
As for Andrew, well he is still trying to get over his wonderful visit from G.G. and Paw Paw. We now have family (other than church family of course) in the area. Chris' brother and family moved to Wake Forest to finish his degree. We all helped them move in last Monday. It is exciting to have cousins for Andrew to play with. Paw Paw spoiled Andrew with lots of candy. G.G. spoiled him with lots of love. It was nice to have them here.
I did have a nice surprise this morning. I was nice and cozy in my bed and Andrew decided to give me a wake up call. He is usually pretty good about staying in his room until we come and get him for breakfast. Well this morning he thought I was taking a little longer than usual and came to my room and said 'Morning Mommy.' It was very cute but as any good natured mom who has not had their coffee fix, I simple replied 'Not yet, go back to bed.' His bottom lip pushed out and his chin began to quiver but he never cried he turned around and went back to bed. I wish I could bottle that obedience and bring it out in other circumstances.
Which reminds me of the other thing he is doing now (maybe you moms have been thru this and can give me some advice). He likes to sleep on the floor. We put him in bed but just before we go to bed we check and he is on the floor. As soon as he sees us he'll pick up his dog and blanket and get back into bed. I'll get him in the mornings and he is on the floor. I don't understand at all. Any ideas?!?!?
Sorry no pics. I do have some and I'll try to post them tomorrow.