Friday, July 27, 2007

Culinary School...

here I come!! Today was Jonathan's first day of rice cereal and apparently I need to try a new recipe. He did a pretty good job once he got the hang of it but at first his look of bewilderment was fun. Many of you parents know exactly what I'm talking about. Here's a few pictures to help you enjoy what we got to enjoy:

Seriously Mommy, this is the best you can do?!?!?!?

Now I have to spit up!!
Nope, no better from this angle.
Maybe if I smile they'll quit.
Andrew thought he'd help out too. Only he wanted his 'cinananamen life' more. He also thought Jonathan was now ready for a biscuit.

I'm sure it will get better but that first feeding is always funny. I'm just so proud that he is growing up.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Nothing Much...

Going on in our home. Last Thursday, Andrew and Chris went on a field trip to some petting animals but no petting allowed animals park. Andrew had a blast and took days to get over it. Chris got to experience his first dis (do people even use that word) by Andrew. On the way home, they were riding the bus and Andrew would rather sit in the back with the cool boys. I'm glad it happened to him and not me because I would have been begging Andrew to let me join his homies (I bet people don't use that either).
I think Andrew is in this picture somewhere. It's like looking for where's Waldo.

I'm not totally sure what is going on with the pictures right now. The next couple of pictures is Andrew and Chris feeding a goat and Chris getting very up close personal with a giraffe.

Other than that we have had a normal weekend and week. Andrew made sure we prayed that God would heal his belly because 'He ate Swidish fist and red pooped comed out.' He said that 3 times to God and I know He's in heaven shaking His glorious head wondering where does he come up with this stuff. Jonathan is doing so well and is so much fun to be around. As I type this he is on his belly sliding all over the kitchen. I wish I had a picture of him but I bought some seriously cheap batteries from Target (4 pack for $1) and it lasted one picture and now their dead. I have learned my lesson.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Florida Summary

We returned home from Florida on Monday. Here is the summary of our trip. After watching both boys on Friday and Saturday morning we (Andrew, Alexis, my sister Missy, and me) jumped in the car and headed to my Grams and Gramps house. Andrew and Alexis watched a movie (with headphones) and my sister and I jammed and caught up on our lives. When we arrived we were greeted by our Mom and Dad, Aunt, Uncle and cousin, and grandparents (Missy's husband arrived later). It was nice to sit and see the whole family and enjoy many laughs. My Grandma has cancer and is fighting everyday to stay with us as long as God wants her here. My aunt made a wonderful lasagna and salad for us to all enjoy. After dinner my Grams was getting tired so my Mom and I prayed with her and we all piled in our cars and headed for my Mom and Dad's house (another 2 hour drive). We stayed the night there and got up the next morning and headed for the beach (just me, the boys and my mom and dad). We were there a couple of hours and Andrew just sat under the umbrella because he was exhausted (no naps, a small cold and waking up early). As soon as we got home Andrew went straight to bed and we all had a wonderful lunch my mom made (she is an amazing cook, a skilled not genetically passed on). After lunch, we all piled back in the cars and headed back to my sister's house. We arrived in Jacksonville around 8:30pm and both the boys were so exhausted they both went to bed right away. I got up early Monday morning had my coffee and tried to wake Andrew up so we could get on the road. He ended up sleeping some more and then he and I piled back in the car and headed home. Except in our excitement to see Daddy and Jonathan, we forgot his Dawgum (the dog he loves and sleeps with). For those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting Dawgum you know this is simply awful for Andrew. He looks out the door everyday waiting for him to arrive.
Overall, the trip was wonderful. Here are a few pics:
Since Andrew was the smallest in the house he was attacked the most by the 4 dogs running around. He found safety in their kennel:
Here he is playing in the kennel:
Here he is strangling Maggie because she slipped through security:
Here's Ricky. (If I didn't put this picture in my mom would be livid. She thinks Ricky is the greatest thing since sliced bread. She probably would not have had kids had she had Ricky first. It's sad but very true.)
Sorry this post is so long. But I had so much to share.

Happy Belated 5 Month Birthday

This cutie is 5 months old!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Florida Day 1

So the dynamic traveling duo struck again. It was like old times for Andrew and I on a road trip to Florida watching DVDs for endless hours. We finally got here and are having a great time. Our first stop was visiting my sister (Missy) and her son (Alexis) in Jacksonville. She had to work on Friday so I got to watch both boys and we had a blast. We went to this beautiful pool early in the morning.
And they played at the showers for endless hours and not the pool like I thought they might. Although they did vary things by going to the jacuzzi to play in the bubbles. Just what Mommy wanted to do, sit in hot water while it is 90. I was overruled every time I suggested we not go to the jacuzzi.
More shower time. Notice how white my child is next to Alexis.
Finally, I got them into the pool. Actually, Alexis is very good in the pool. He showed Andrew how he does cannon balls into the water. He also was very patient with him and tried to teach him to swim.
Here's Andrew shaving because he had grown quite the beard while swimming.
The one thing I haven't taken a picture of is their Jack Russell called Abby. It is funny watching Andrew defend himself on a continual basis. This dog likes to jump and lick Andrew in the face. He has learned to say 'No, Abby No!' She is a very cute dog and he has done his fair share of chasing her and picking her up. Abby is very patient with him as well.
Our next stop is to visit my Grams and Gramps. I'll keep you posted about all the great times.

Friday, July 13, 2007

FKC Day 3

So day three of FKC (aka VBS)came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. All day I kept pumping up FKC and trying to get Andrew excited about what was to come. All day he would tell me he wasn't too excited about it in his 3 year old way. So finally, as we head out the door for the dinner beforehand, we had this conversation:
Me: Andrew, aren't you so excited about FKC tonight? You are going to have so much fun.
Andrew: Are you going to be my nother teacher(not at typo but that is what he called the other teacher)?
Me: No, big Austin is going to be your nother teacher. But I'll be there.
Andrew: CCCCCCCRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY But --sniffle-- I --sniffle-- want --sniffle-- you and Daddy and Jonathan to stay at home and --sniffle--play with me. CCCCCRRRRYYYY
Me: Let's go before we are too late and miss all the good desserts. (my attempt to redirect behavior and I've learned including desserts in that redirection always helps)
So later when I drop him off at registration he has another meltdown and never recovers from it. I ended up switching to his group and we both had a great time. He impressed me so much. I learned that he just wants my presence. He didn't cling to me (although another girl did) and he did things all by himself. I didn't even need to encourage him to go and play with friends, he just did it. It was the first night he stayed the whole night with his class and he did super. My only regret was not joining his class in the beginning and letting him enjoy the whole thing. I've learned my lesson.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

FKC Day 2

I wish I could say that Day 2 went much better for Andrew but that would not be the truth. I had an easier time last night letting him go but Andrew finally got to the point where he couldn't take it anymore and had a meltdown (so they tell me, I was in the gym with my 4th graders going deaf because game time was seriously loud). I also wish I could say I was a rock and told him to go back to his group and have a fun time with his friends but needless to say, I'm wimpy!! Yesterday morning he got up super early because he was excited about FKC and took a nap a little early and got up from his nap early. Knowing all of this helped me decide to reassign myself to his group so he could make it the rest of the night. Surprisingly, he did much better with me there. He even took part in activities, and every so often, would look over his shoulder to make sure I was still there. I guess I just have to remember that he loves his mommy very much and isn't quite ready to fly the proverbial coup (unsure of the spelling but you know the hen house didn't quite have the same impact).
As for Jonathan, he is still sick and letting us know it. Pray that he would recover quickly because Andrew and I are leaving town to visit my Grandmother this weekend. Since it will just be Daddy duty, it would be nice to have a healthy Jonathan to take care of.
Again, if any of you would like to come to our FKC (aka VBS) it is still be going on the rest of the week from 6-8:45pm. I know your kids will have a blast and learn lots of cool Bible stories.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Last night was Andrew's first night at Free Kids Camp (aka VBS). He was so excited he didn't even want to eat dinner. Since Chris and I are helping out at FKC there is a dinner beforehand in the Fellowship Hall and Andrew kept asking me if this was FKC. It was hard to tell him what exactly he would be doing but he was excited about doing anything. I chose not to help out in his group because I knew he would cling to me and not truly enjoy the whole experience (plus, the idea of corraling not one but many 3 year olds didn't sound too appealing to me). When we first got there and registered one of my fellow guides took him to the sanctuary. I never realized how hard that was going to be (for me not for Andrew, he was so excited about FKC). I didn't cry outwardly but inwardly I was dying. It was then I almost got selfish and switched groups (I'm a 4th grade guide) but I knew in my heart that Andrew wouldn't really get to enjoy the experience. But God was gracious to this hurting mommy and helped our groups align a couple of times. I relished those moments and just hugged on him. Andrew, of course, loved on me too which helped me make it through the night. In the end, he had the best time. One of his leaders is a good friend to our family and Andrew just thought it was great they got to hang out all night.
Our FKC is all this week (July 9-13) if you are in the area and would like to attend...come on and have some fun.
PS Jonathan has another cold and is suffering as any 4 (almost 5) month old would.

Friday, July 06, 2007


Here's Jonathan trying to do 2 things at one time, sit-up and blow razzes (sp??). He tries so hard and is terribly cute doing it.

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My Boyfriend's Back

Okay, so it is actually my husband and I missed him dearly. He went to Texas this week to preach Jesus to a youth camp. While he was gone I had lots of one-on-one time with my boys. Mainly what you need to know is that one day the boys and I got locked out of our house. For 2 hours we were stranded and helpless, until one of the pastors from our church came to my rescue (with his family in tow). We were able to break into Chris' car (he wasn't here to object)...actually, I don't want to give too many details because you may get the bright idea to break in one day and I shouldn't give you play-by-play details. Needless to say, I felt very blond.
Chris' parents came in Wednesday night to help out with the boys. It was night to have some help and to be able to take a break. Plus, we got a dinner at Ci Ci's pizza.
Here are some pictures of da boyz. This is Jonathan just soaking up some rays at the pool.
He actually liked being in the pool a lot (not seen in this picture). He started this face just in time for pictures. I was hoping to get a nice shot of both boys but neither cooperated so you get this picture.
This is what happens when Daddy goes away. I get to spoil Andrew in my own my. He gets to watch Curious George while eating his breakfast in the living room. He thinks it is great. You can see the focus in his face. No time for picture taking.
This is Jonathan's new preferred sitting in his swing. Since he is sitting up a little bit he won't just sit back and relax in the swing. He thinks this is great. By the way, he too is watching George the Monkey (what Andrew calls it).