Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Vault Picutres

I never really understood the whole Disney locking the movies up in that so-called vault, but I guess it makes sense to them. I found these pictures of early Andrew that I just figured out how to release from the computer vault. Coming soon...movies (I just can't figure those out yet).
Not sure why I took this picture but I think it is adorable.
I've always loved this silly picture. Check out the carrot colored nose.
Here's Daddy and Andrew hanging out.
Nice hind part.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Rolaids Are Taboo...

We were really starting to worry about Jonathan because he likes to cry and spit-up(his second and third favorite past time, his first being, loving on his mommy). He would wake up just screaming mad and was very hard to console. I took him to the doctor and found out that he has acid reflux. Apparently, it is taboo to put Rolaids in a bottle so we got a prescription for something and now he is doing a little better. I switched formulas and that has really helped out with the spit-up (praise God, least I remind you my feelings on laundry). He's really behind the Baby Wise schedule but I'm trying not to stress about that because I know it has been a rough year on the both of us. Hopefully over the next few weeks things will get better and he will feel better and catch up.
This is a video of him not cooperating with me. I'm trying to get him to roll over for the camera, but he loves that red light on my camera. It gets him every time.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Pics, Pics, and More Pics

This is Andrew completely fitted with his elbow and knee pads and helmet. He likes for me to put them on him so I can take them off him promptly (I fall for it every time). Of course, he had a bike accident the other day and wasn't wearing his pads and his elbow looks rough. I went to go get Jonathan up one day and this is how I found Andrew when I came back. He was set up and ready to feed his brother. He also said to me the other day, 'Hey you know what Mommy?' and I said 'No what?' What he said I will never forget because I was not ready for it, 'I need to go pump.' I say that to him all the time because he will want to go outside and I can't because I have to pump. I thought it was adorable (and slightly weird).
I love me some Jonathan!!!!!
Okay, apparently I breed them to suck their fingers this way. Chris walked in one morning and found Jonathan sucking his fingers this way. Remind you of anyone....
(Oh, hey Ricky)

Friday, May 18, 2007

Brother's Real Wedding

Congratulations to my baby brother Jeremy and his wife Wibke for their marriage on May 5, 2007! Here are a few pictures of their beautiful wedding.

Very cool picture!

This picture is okay because now they are married.

Okay, we get it, you have it all. You have the beautiful, blushing bride, a wedding at an amazing castle, a honeymoon at the Canary Islands and the cool car. No need to rub it in with a picture but he did anyways.

I am so sorry that I missed this wedding. It would have been one we talked about everytime we got together. Congratulations!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What's Going On

I have no excuse as to why I am not keeping up with the blog. I think it is the guilt of not keeping up with pictures. I take pictures of one boy and not the other and then it flips. Then I sit here looking at all the pictures and can't figure out what to post. My favorite is, my parents were here for 1 1/2 weeks and I never got a picture of them with the boys. My dad would feed Jonathan almost all his feedings and I never got a picture of it (truly sorry about that dad). My mom was so kind to stay up every night till 11 and feed Jonathan his last bottle of the day while Chris and I got some extra zzzzzs. Though on my behalf of that one, the percocet had kicked in by 11 most nights and I was out for the night. Jane (my mom-in-law) is here now and I have yet to take a picture of her with the boys. I'm going to make a concerted effort tomorrow to take one. She has been a big help too. She feeds Jonathan all his meals until Chris comes home. But more importantly, she puts up with all his spit-up. Jonathan likes a good warm bottle, but I think he likes to spit it up even more. And just as soon as you think he can't spit-up anymore, the flood gates open and more of that nasty stuff will come up. So, that is another good excuse as to why I can't keep up with the blog, I'm constantly doing laundry (and if you don't know my feelings about laundry, just know I loathe it).
Here's what is going on in the lives of the boys. Jonathan is growing like a weed (even though he can't keep food down). He is amazingly strong for his 3 month age (I think he gets that from me because I'm surprisingly strong for a girl). He loves to be on his tummy but he also likes to play on his back while batting at something. He continues to do all the things that 3 months old are suppose to be doing.
Andrew is also doing quite well. He has been spending some time at other people's homes (I still struggle with my energy levels). It is nice to have him out of the home a couple of hours but those are the longest hours of my life. As soon as he leaves the house grows quiet and I wish he would come home. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the time away but he's my first born and I miss him. He's all boy right now. All he wants to do is be outside and play (mainly with his bike or his baseball bat (watch out neighborhood cat)). He got a bubble lawn mower for his birthday and that is fun to watch him play with. Although most of the time he pushes it too hard for any bubbles to come out. Then he'll ask me to fix it and I just stand there trying to figure out how am I going to tell him one more time that it is him and not the lawn mower, but I try.
I'm going to wrap it up now because House is coming on and I don't want to miss it. I'll try harder tomorrow to get some pictures taken.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Cancer Free

If you haven't heard yet, I am completely cancer FREE!!!! God is an amazing God! He guided the surgeon's hands and showed his eyes where to cut and how much to cut. Every time I think about it I cry because I am simply amazed at how awesome God is. The biggest praise is that God is so good at helping through the surgery that I don't need radiation or chemotherapy. Plus, as an added bonus, the scar will be minimal once the incision has completely healed. The doctor was pleased with his work but little did he know he wasn't the one performing my surgery. Oh, his hands may have been the tools but it was God working and saying, 'This is my child and I know she has the faith to believe in a complete healing. And I also know she is completely vain and won't want a big, fat ugly scar. So we'll be extra gentle and extra careful.'
Thanks for all the prayers, they were not in vain.

Birthday Boy

Here's Andrew helping make/eat his birthday cake. As you can probably guess, it's chocolate!!

Andrew's first real tricycle. He still hasn't quite got use to it.

GUM!!!! He asked me a long time ago for a piece of gum and I told him that he could have one when he turns 3. On his birthday, one of his first words were, 'Can I have some gum please?' He does a great job of chewing and not swallowing it.

He also got a Cars outdoor pack.

Cake picture!!! Not an exciting cake but it works and it was good to eat.

I can't believe he's 3!!!! I've said it too many times, but where does the time go? This helps me cherish Jonathan's time at this age.