Monday, March 31, 2008

Being Lazy...

I've decided that I am camera lazy. I use to take pictures all the time but now I don't. Here's some retro shots of the boys.
I remember with Andrew, if he had on a cute outfit (like the one pictured) I would make sure to get a picture of it. I would set up a whole scene for the picture. With Jonathan, I say that's a cute outfit and take a mental picture with the hopes of taking a real picture.
Here's Andrew with Uncle Jeremy. Just checking to see if he is reading the blog like he should be doing. I understand that protecting America (he's a captain in the Army) is hard and time consuming, but it only take a couple of minutes to check out the blog.
I always liked this picture of Jonathan. I looks like he's about to punch the cow. Don't mess with him.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chocolate Bunny

We were at the Dollar Tree and Andrew found a dollar. He took it to the service counter to make sure no one was missing a dollar and they graciously gave it to him. I told him that he could get one thing in the whole store, and he takes off for the Easter candy. He grabs the biggest chocolate bunny he could find and says this is what I want. I tried to distract him in the toy aisle but he wasn't having it. You reach new lows when you say, "Don't you want this toy sword or gun? They would be fun and they make lots of loud annoying noises!!" (Technically I didn't say that last part but my head was screaming it.) Needless to say, we came home with a chocolate bunny and no swords or guns.
Fast forward to dinner last night, and he told me he was going to eat all his dinner so he could eat some of his bunny. I was saying something silly to him and he said with great earnestness, "Mommy, don't distract me. I'm trying to eat all my dinner." I guess I learned my lesson.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter. We went to church with the Tates and the Minors and later had lunch and an Easter egg hunt at the Tate house. There's lots of pictures so let's get to it:
Andrew made his own Easter eggs.
He loved this. I wish I had made more eggs because he had such a good time.
Andrew on the hunt for Easter eggs.  He did pretty good looking for the eggs. 
Austin's face is priceless (and her egg hunting skills).  I think Tonya (or Jeremy) is telling her to keep looking for more eggs but she's more interested in the candy than more eggs.
He's after another egg.  Not concerned about smiling for the camera.
Jonathan even got in on the action, except his brother stole all his eggs.  
Here's what he's thinking, "I don't get it, but I'll keep walking around because that makes my silly parents happy."
Here's Andrew and Tabor.  This was a hard picture to get because it was in the midst of the hunt and Tabor was intent on getting a lot of eggs.  That's Cherith in the back ground and she would find the eggs and tell Tabor about them.
Brotherly love (with a little help from Daddy).
Back on the hunt.  He ended up finding 10 eggs.  Tabor had the most and it was a tie between Cherith and Austen for the least because Cherith gave hers to Tabor and Austen ate all the candy.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sick Home

It's official...this is one sick household. Jonathan was the first to get sick, followed by Andrew and now to me (Chris has started his Airborn prevention). I took Jonathan to the doctor yesterday about his cough, but came home with an ear infection diagnoses.
Nothing worse than hearing your babies coughing all night long.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Capt. Hook

I have an advantage at my home that you might not have a very own personal pirate. He typically comes out when in water or looking at himself in the mirror.
Here's the pirate face* in the making. I also notice that he has a very big mouth.
There it is, the complete pirate face. Jonathan is playing completely oblivious that a pirate is about to hook him.
*The pirate face is not to be confused with the phantom** face. Phantom face is when he does that same face but his hand partially covering his face. If you confuse the two faces he will quickly correct you.
**And by Phantom, I clearly mean Phantom of the Opera. He still is in love with that CD (I now completely loathe that CD). I was hoping it was a phase and he would quickly grow out of it, but no such luck.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Patty Cake...

Jonathan loves to play patty cake. No matter where we are or what he's playing with, the moment I start to sing that song, he drops everything and claps his hands and rolls the dough. I've been trying to get a video of it, but that is the only thing that breaks his patty cake concentration.

On a more personal note, check out Bedrock CC. Saturday was our first Basecamp meeting and it went really well. We were able to gather together supporters who would help us with our launch in September. Before I go on butchering what it was about, check out the webpage on my links. There is a great video that will help you see the heart of Bedrock.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tim Hawkins

This is Tim Hawkins. Go to You Tube and see his other very funny stuff...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Calvin and Hobbes

Here's a little fact about me you might not have known...I love the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. It was a sad time for me when he retired. I was recently reading one of the C&H books I have and I got a great laugh and thought I'd share* it with you.
C&H are sitting under a tree and C says to H, "I asked my Mom if I was gifted and she said 'Well, I certainly wouldn't have paid for you.'" The next scene their just sitting there looking out, taking in all that he has just said. The final box C says to H, "Remember that when people ask why I turned out the way I did."

*By sharing, I mean with words because I have no idea how to use a scanner or how to find that on-line.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Week In Review

Since Chris was in Nicaragua the past week, the boys and I stayed extremely busy (if we stay busy we don't think about him as much). Sunday and Monday was kind of slow and we didn't do much. Chris and I had a date night last Thursday and rented the Cars movie for Andrew to enjoy with the baby sitter. Since it was still at the house we watched it a million times. I really like that movie for him, except for the 2 bad words. Why do they have to ruin a good children's movie. I get that they are also entertaining parents, but after seeing it a couple of times my entertainment value has been met, while Andrew will probably (but not successfully) want to watch it 3-4 times a day. IF, and that is a huge if, I let him do that, those 2 words will have been heard 6-8 times. I just wish that kids movie companies wouldn't do that. (Enough of that rant)
Tuesday, we went to my brothers house to hang out with him and his family. Andrew loves to go there to hang out with his cousin Kirsten (that's what he calls her, like cousin is a title). Jonathan is experiencing some serious separation anxiety and took a while to warm to them. Once he realized I wasn't going anywhere, he unattached himself from my hip and played with everyone. The best part of that trip (besides the quality time with my family) was receiving my 4 boxes of Girl Scout cookies (2 thin mints, some kind of peanut butter, and somoas).
Wednesday, we went to NC for my check-up (everything was fine) and the boys got to play with his friends Kirby and Bennet. The boys had a blast and slept the whole ride home.
Thursday, we had a whole bunch of errands to run and later that night the Tate kids came over. Jonathan had another meltdown until 7:30. Then he decided that Mommy wasn't leaving and the kids were here to play with him and all is well. After he went to bed, I went on-line to learn how to make the perfect paper airplane, 35 steps later we completed it and it actually worked.
Friday, we cleaned the house to prepare for Daddy's arrival.
Saturday, Daddy came home!!