Tuesday, September 30, 2008


We were driving* along yesterday and I was putting on my lipstick and had this conversation:

Me: Boy, I have 2 good looking boys.
A: I have 1 lookin' good Mommy.

Later as we're leaving on our way home I was eating some lunch. The people who provided my lunch forgot to provide a napkin and Andrew noticed me wiping my hands on my pants then said:

A: Mommy, don't do that. You look so pretty.

Chris has done a great job of teaching the boys how to compliment Mommy. His future wife will thank us.

*We do a lot of other things besides driving around but this is typically when we have our best discussions. He also asked me where does God live?, does Jesus live close to God?, if I have Jesus in my heart does God miss him?. I don't know what it is about the car but that is where we chat it up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Such Sadness...

I saw these pictures of Jonathan and I just wondered what his thoughts are. I see such sadness in his eyes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Andrew's Words...

We were walking around the Dollar Tree and I saw some yarn I really liked. I was deciding who I could make a scarf for, when Andrew and I had this conversation:

A: I didn't know you learned how to knit!
Me: Yes, remember GG taught me how.
A: But you are not even a grandma!!

One of the characteristics Andrew gets from his Daddy (besides a striking resemblance) is a decisive nature. When I give him options he normally pick one right away. Here's a conversation we had last week about snack:

Me: Would you like a granola bar or pretzels for snack?
A: I don't know, just surprise me.

I think he's been hanging around me too much.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Niece and New Boat

On September 3rd, Andrew and Jonathan's newest cousin was born, Ella Patience. Andrew and I got to visit with them and I was able to hold the baby the whole time. It was such a sweet time.
Andrew and Tabor went to Lowe's to build a pirate ship. I would highly recommend this to parents. It is free!!! You get an apron, goggles, project, patches, and a certificate when you finish the project. I took Jonathan with me and we were able to come and go as we pleased. I'm not real sure what the skull is for that Tabor is holding.
Tabor built his ship like an expert but Andrew needed some help. Our helper guy was very patient with the boys.
The finished project. Notice Andrew's certificate is turned to the Spanish side.
Another optional use for the goggles. No mac and cheese in his eyes today.

New Kitchen

I was finally able to finish painting my kitchen. It's Laura Ashley Olive #3 and I love it. Here's the old blue. I liked it but it made a small kitchen even smaller.
Just another picture of it.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008


It finally happened...a family photo. A friend of ours graciously agreed to take our picture. He came up to help capture our church launch on film. After the service he took all the families outside and we all got to have a family photo. It was such a blessing!!If you are interested to find out how our church launch went check out Bedrockchurch.com.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Undate on Dishwasher & Pacifier...

Dishwasher delivery men were not friendly and thought I was a bit odd for being so excited about my new dishwasher. I think they're men and don't get it (although my husband did, but that might be because he's tired of all my complaining...that couldn't possibly be it, right?!?). They were also not excited that I made them take the old insulation off the old DW and put in on the new one. It truly wasn't that much more work, sheesh.

Day 1 w/o pacifier: 30 mins of crying at bed time
Day 2 w/o pacifier: 20 mins of crying at bed time
Day 3 w/o pacifier: no crying!!!!

Red Shirt...

Here are some unfortunate events that have happened recently in our home:

We were given a super cute red Olympics t-shirt. That shirt has now turned all of Andrew's clothes pink. Some of the worse hit victims...his Transformer, Batman, and NASCAR underroos. They aren't as manly now that they are pink. All the other former white, now pink clothes have been put in the trash. Now I have to go and buy new socks, t-shirts, and...well actually he still wears the underroos because he doesn't care.

My dishwasher caught on fire. I hate to say this, but I'm totally a spoiled American. It has been the longest two weeks of my life (slight exaggeration). I use to love washing the dishes by hand. In some strange way is was relaxing to me the repetition of washing round and round, rinsing in warm water and drying round and round. Not the case these days, with all the dishes and I like the idea that the dishwasher kills all the germs.

As I write this, the dishwasher delivery guys just called and said they would be here within the hour. I might bake them some cookies or buy them some flowers because I'm that grateful to get it back.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Tonka Ride

Last night was a big night for Jonathan because he went to bed without his pacifier for the first time. He cried for about 25 minutes and then not another peep till morning. It was much harder for me than I thought it would be. I kept wondering if it was the right thing to, was Jonathan ready for this, or was I just being to harsh with him (and by I, I mean we because Chris is for this too). I know it is going to be a rough few days but that is going to happen whenever we decide to take it away. We still battle with Andrew sucking his fingers at bedtime and it drives me crazy. A wise friend of mine, Felicia, once told me that they will cry it's just a matter of when they will cry. My husband and I thought it would be easier now because he's still in his crib and can't come out his room, he still isn't talking well (although doing much better, but that's for another blog), and we had weened him from having the pacifier during the day. We'll see...I'll keep you up to date.
Here's a cute video of the boys playing together. I'm not sure why Andrew has a coat on, seeing as how it was 90 degrees outside. In the second video you get to see the ugly side of Jonathan's personality. If he doesn't get his way he throws temper tantrums.