Friday, June 16, 2006

Potty Training

My oh my it has been a while. For those of stalking the blog and getting tired of not seeing anything new you can blame my husband. He has been gone a lot and he takes the computer with him. I am one of the few people left at home without a working computer. We are in the process of fixing that.
Since I have had some extra time on my hands I decided to potty train Andrew. I used the principles from the book Toliet Training In Less Than A Day. I had heard about this from our parenting mentors and figured if it worked for them it would work for Andrew. The book was very helpful. We had to tweak a couple of things to make it more successful for Andrew and ultimately he was trained in less than a day. He has had a couple of accidents but they are more my fault than his. I take him to exciting places and forget that he might forget to ask to go potty. He is doing awesome. If I remember to take some pics I'll get them to you.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering about you! My mom still tortures us with potty pics, so make sure you get plenty :)

Leslie said...

That is wonderful about the potty training! Andrew is just so smart. I'm glad it worked out for you guys!