Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a very fun and relaxing Thanksgiving in VA. We made sure to hit all the spots that we love and can't get in NC. My personal favorite was eating a CJ's stromboli and chef salad (after my fair share of turkey leftovers) which, I believe, everyone should have once and then they would be addicted like me.
Andrew did his fair share of the cooking for Thanksgiving. He helped us make our pumpkin cheesecake (with no sneezes included) some of the casseroles before getting bored and went on to other things. This was the first year he was excited about having all the food. He actually ate the turkey, carrots, broccoli casserole (he didn't like it) and green beans.
Jonathan was offered, and politely refused, mashed potatoes with his Thanksgiving lunch. I would try to sneak a bite of mp on his spoon and he would get the shudders from the taste. His favorite thing to do at GG's house was to pull every Tupperware out of the cabinet. He even stood up on the ledge to get the one's in the back.
It was a fun time and a much needed break for Chris and I. I actually brought my camera and took pictures.

Jonathan playing in the Tupperware cabinet. GG said it was alright to destroy it.

It is the hardest thing to take pictures of Andrew. If he isn't in the mood then you get this face. So from now on if you see this face, remember he was forced to do it. Here he is playing bingo with his Pa Pa.
Jonathan is now more interested in playing with the camera than taking pictures. You have to be quick if you want to get the shot.Okay, this is Jonathan and Andrew exacty 3 years apart. I knew I had taken a picture of Andrew in Pa Pa's chair but I didn't know I had done it on the same day. Jonathan is older than Andrew when the picture is taken but I can see some similarities. What's weird is I remember taking this picture of Andrew on that day because we were so proud of the VT outfit (and now I can't find it). It's weird what we remember.

We also got to see some of Chris' friends from high school and since they read this, 'Hey, and thanks for having us over. Your house is beautiful!!!' I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is still stuffed from all the turkey.


Jennifer said...

I love Andrew's "I don't want to take a picture face"...I'm thinking of adopting it myself.

Anonymous said...

Your boys are just beautiful. You and Chris ought to just produce babies - you could make a killing as a surrogate. (Sorry that sounded a little disturbing;)