Sunday, February 15, 2009

Andrew Words

At dinner the other night, Chris and I were discussing what the doctor said at Jonathan's 2 year well visit. By the way, he is doing well. He is average weight and average height but he head is slightly big, but nowhere near the size of Andrew's noggin. I told Chris that he is officially no longer considered speech delayed. He is just fine and talks none stop. This is the rest of the conversation:
Me: He also said that we shouldn't be feeding him peanut butter and choking foods.
Chris: Really, no peanut butter? Why?
Me: I guess it has something to do with getting or developing peanut allergies.
Chris: Peanut allergies?
Andrew: Yeah, and then we would have to give him a Zyrtec everyday.

I think we might reconsider the amount of time our child is watching TV.


sarah said...


that's awesome.
i have a friend whose daughter is well versed in infomercials. she doesn't even watch much tv, but i guess the infomercials stick..

yay for averageness and a less than gigantic noggin! :)

and yay for no speech delay. nothing like the sweet sound of a 2 year old talk talk talking your ear off. (really, i do love it). :)

S.E. Painter said...

when kinsey was younger we went to the grocery store and went down the paper product aisle. when we passed the 'bounty' she saw the label and sang the jingle. she was too little to read, so it was totally a too much tv thing. we stopped watching tv after that.

i would say on a daily basis they do not watch tv, but they do watch it some on saturdays or maybe on a rainy afternoon.

now...jackson does watch more than they do b/c it helps with school, but it's not nearly as much as they did at that age,he's about 30 mins a day.

Mrs Gina K said...

CUTE! I love Andrew! Glad to hear that Jonathan checked out well at the doctor! :)

You should add the thing on the side where we can "follow" your blog! I have to search for you each time that I remember to look, but if I'm a "follower" it would pop up when I sign in. Just a thought! :)

Missed you yesterday!

Unknown said...

The premise is pure monster horror - the cataclysm after these monsters have invaded is on a global scale, it's a high-concept monster movie works by simply narrowing it's focus...survival. 365movies
And just as the human characters (what about the monsters? We'll get to them) try to muffle out the sound by shuffling sand along the floor and making their own home quiet enough to walk around, director Krasinski (who also co-stars and writes) with writers Bryan Woods and Scott Beck keep a tight-knit, all-frills locked specifically on tension that just keeps on building up and up until the ladder just can't be seen any more.

Krasinski however isn't afraid to assume you already know an outcome by opening the film on the 90th day of the invasion clearly avoiding the manic-day-one tactic (where we can probably guess a lot of bad stuff happened), no, he approaches the subject with experienced characters. Paths have been set with sand, cars have been abandoned, and his house has been completely sound proofed, with carpets, sand set like stepping stones and the family only communicates by sign language. 365movies
Krasinski plays a competent, intelligent, desperate family man who tries to keep things together in his little kingdom (an abandoned farm house) instantly knowing that even the most negligible dropped clanger will attract terrifying toothsome, long-armed creatures with avocado -shaped skulls which are entirely composed by inner-ear architecture and teeth morphing their heads to hear even the slightest of sounds.

Are they aliens? Are they vampires? Or possibly alien vampires (if you want to go creepy)? If indeed the characters had abstract conversations, maybe they'd wonder what they're being hunted by but instead they can only express the barest essential dialogue in order to survive as long as possible. While he pays off as the caring rather rugged survivalist keeping a slight fire ready for a beacon signifying survival, meanwhile his pregnant wife (Emily Blunt) is a rather obvious symbolism of hope for the future she also tries her hardest to keep the rest of her family in check. watch Avengers Infinity War online
There's a slight everyday quality to this family that happily allows for you to invest more so in their journey for survival. Though their vulnerability is heightened just that little bit more and also enriched at the fact that there's a child on the way (a newborn that doesn't quite understand the importance of staying quiet) and what they must do in the situation when Blunt is just about to have it.