Friday, February 13, 2009

What Did We Do....

We just got back from Nicaragua on Saturday. It was an amazing trip and what everyone asks me is, "What did you do down there?"
We went down to Nicaragua with a ministry called, Because We Care Ministries, led by Donald and Pam Gillette. They have been doing this for 9 years and are loved in their town of Somotillo, and the surrounding villages. Their main goal is to met their physical needs and share the gospel and disciple the pastors of the villages. On this trip, Chris and Rob Stephens, taught at a pastor's conference and I did a make shift VBS. I didn't know until I was sitting in the chairs at the conference that I was going to be doing a VBS. It was a lot of fun. Here are some of the things we did as well:

Shared the gospel in the villages.

Make shift VBS during the pastor's conference.
Played with the kids in the villages.

Handed out medicine to the babies and the mommies.
Handed out rice and beans to the families.