Monday, July 31, 2006

Numero Dos

I am so excited to announce that Chris and I are expecting baby number 2. The babies arrival date is February 19. Well see though, a Valentines baby would be fun too. Keep us in your prayers though. Tomorrow I meet with a prenatal (not sure of the spelling) doctor because I am considered a high risk pregnancy due to the blood clot I had after I had Andrew. We plan to do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby. If you are wondering I honestly don't care if it is a boy or a girl. Although Rachel did the voodoo pencil test and it showed a girl. I think it would be fun to have a little girl. So that is the news on my end.


Rachel said...

Well it's about time. I'm glad you finally put it on the blog. And you more than met my deadline of Wednesday. I'm so proud of you. :) And of course I'm very excited. And let's not forget that the voodoo pencil test has accurately perdicted the sex of both Minor and Pittman children.

Lora said...

Congrats Jessie! Good look at your prenatal appt. I will be praying that all goes well for you!

Lora (Rachel's friend)

Andrew, Zachary and Will's Mommy said...

Yea yea yea! Another beautiful Baby Dowd. I hope all goes well at your appt.

PS. That pencil test didn't work for me.

Amy Perry