Thursday, December 28, 2006


To answer some of your questions concerning Christmas at the Dowds...yes I did get my necklace. Chris still says that he didn't buy it that day and I believe him. I need to take a picture because it is beautiful. It is the eternity style (I don't know the real name but it looks like an O) with diamonds and amethysts. Those gems are both of the boys birthstones and the eternity represents that they'll always be my boys. It is such a thoughtful and beautiful gift, kindof makes me feel bad for buying Chris sock (but in my defense they are Kenneth Cole socks).
Someone asked if he plays with the train at night...the answer is no. He has been sick with a fever since Christmas so when he goes to bed he's out. We took him to the doctors today and miraculously he was healed in the waiting room. For 3 days he has had a fever but when the nurse took his temperature there was nothing. They checked for strep and his ears but he was perfectly fine. As soon as we got home his fever came back and all he wanted was to be held. I took advantage of that.
So where does the genius part come into play? Well, while we were sitting in the waiting room we were looking at the picture behind us and he pointed to the letter H and said 'Look mommy, home.' All of our puzzles or flash cards have a home on the letter H. I asked him what the next letter was and he said 'O, and there's another O and another O.' I was shocked because he had picked out the three Os. We went over a couple more letters and he would recall them if I asked. When I told Chris what had happened he said 'That's my boy!' Such a proud Daddy. I don't blame him because I'm just as proud. But don't we all think our child is a genius? I wonder if Einstein's mommy thought he was a genius, she was actually right.

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