Monday, December 18, 2006

# 2 Update

I went today for a regular visit at the Ob Gyn office. I was so proud of Andrew and myself because the appointment was at 8:20 and we were there on time. The only problem is that my appointment is tomorrow (Tuesday). Chalk that up to having a pregnancy brain. I thought it was odd that the ObGyn didn't call to remind me of my visit. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a true update.
Friday, Chris and Andrew went Christmas shopping for me while I was cleaning a house. I came home so excited to see my family and find out how their shopping went. I found out through Andrew that he fell while Daddy got a necklace for Mommy. Chris is sticking to his guns that because Andrew fell and made a scene he didn't purchase anything. I'm not sure who I want to believe. I think if I pry a little harder Andrew will give up more info.


Anonymous said...

brillant!! send the spy shopping. no secrets left behind!!! can't wait until mines old enought to spy!

Rachel said...

I bet you could even get deatails of what it looks like. Your child misses nothing so I'm sure he could give you every detail. Very smart you sending Andrew with Chris. Unfortunately I bet Chris will think twice before taking Andrew next time. :)