Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's Christmas!!!!

So many cute things have happened and I really should write them all down because I know I won't be able to remember all of this. Last Saturday, Chris and I got all the Christmas decorations down and started to decorate while Andrew was sleeping. My hopes were to have it all done before he got up but I'm very ADD when it comes to decorating so very little got done. We managed to get the tree up, the outside lights up and a nativity scene. Chris and I were about to decorate something when Andrew walks out and his eyes got so big and he said 'It's Christmas!' He said it in such a way that is wasn't quite a whisper but not quite speaking. He walked around and took it all in. Then Rachel brought Kirby over to hang out with Andrew. When she pulled up Andrew ran out to meet her and told her it was Christmas inside. I wish I had caught the whole scene of video because it was priceless. Now as we drive around at night Andrew points out where Christmas is (that means anything with Christmas lights).
For all the super spiritual people reading this and wondering what is the godly family teaching their son about Christmas. Rest assured we share with him what Christmas is truly about but seriously, he's two and he doesn't quite grasp the ramifications of Christ coming to this earth as a baby. He's more concerned about taking baby Jesus (in the nativity scene) to the bathroom because apparently he told him he had to go.


Anonymous said...

O.K. One little thought..Only b/c I would like to save you some work later on.... It is good that Chris is helping with the deco... but when you are ADD with lights.. I can relate.. You will eventually end up decorating alone. I speak from experience.
I asked Nick this year when he got older,was he going to decorate for Christmas. (My boys get the boxes down for me and put them up (get the picture?) He said, "of course" I said, "if I put colored lights on the tree would you be more interested?" He said, No, I love all the deocrations...that is what makes Christmas. I said who is going to do it when you are on your own? He said... My wife, of course:)
So.. I really have no answer for that..
For all you libbers out there... We did not teach him that.
The moral to this story is...maybe decorate when Andrew is awake? or maybe just keep doing like you are.. and plan to help his wife..
Love ya,

Tonya said...

Well when baby Jesus says he has to potty you had most certaintly better take him!:)

Andrew is precious:)

Tonya said...

Just stopped in to feed the dog:)