Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Birthday Party

Here's Andrew's 4th birthday party. He is already planning his next birthday party (and mine, which will be Barbie themed, because I'm a girl and all girls want a Barbie birthday party).
This was craft time. Note to all Mommies: Don't buy glue from Dollar Tree. It never dries (ever).
Finished product.
Cars cake
Chocolate...my favorite.
He was so excited because he got Star Wars (which is what he is saying).
He also loved his Transformers.
Oh, that's right, Spiderman came to the party (aka Andrew). He loves his new Spiderman suit.
Daddy and Jonathan should be thankful that they have Spiderman protecting them.

Final note about the Spiderman suit...it has been worn daily and has traveled to Wal-mart numerous times. He is not allowed to wear the mask to the store because he might scare people (a rule he imposed on himself after he scared quite a few people at the birthday party, mainly girls).


Jennifer said...

I love the Spiderman suit! Wonder if they have one in James' size?

Anonymous said...

Ann Rae had a great time. She is still talking about "my friends" party! ~Stacy

sarah said...

did you see my transformer cake? you should probably show it to andrew. he'll appreciate it, i'm sure.

i can't believe how big he is. time flies.

sarah said...

also, i would like to inform you, that jake had a spidey suit too.

one day, he realized that it's slick nylon material allowed for a nearly frictionless belly glide down the carpeted stairs. great fun (and much digital video) ensued. so you can pretty much look forward to that.