Monday, May 26, 2008

Boo Boos

I think Jonathan's nickname is very appropriate for him, Boo Boos. Andrew gave him the nickname the first time he saw him. Andrew was holding him and said, 'I love you Boo Boos,' and it has stuck.
I'm thinking we might switch it to something that won't continue to bring harm to him. Besides the constant scabs on his knees, and the occasional fall down an embankment, and the numerous busted lips (all while being constantly supervised) he seems to find trouble. His most recent injury was a face plant on concrete. I seriously thought his teeth went through his chin. There was blood and crying but in the end it was just another busted lip. Check out that pout...
A major no no in our home but he likes to push the boundaries.
Taking pride in disobedience.
He likes to play the piano.
Just checking out all his playing options.
In the end he plays the piano for a long time.
Heads up Mommys, Jonathan cut his index finger on a Sprite can. He pulled it down from the table using the drinking hole. I didn't even know he cut himself until I kept seeing blood everywhere (on the floor, toys, refrig). Those holes are very sharp.
Lastly, Jonathan rarely cries when he gets hurt. He only cries if it is a serious injury (i.e. face plant). A simple fall on the knees, he gets up and keeps playing. The tears come later when I realize there is blood on his legs and he needs a band-aid. The idea of not being outside and playing is his greatest disappointment.


Jennifer said...

You're such a good mommy...I have no doubt that I'm going to pass out the first time I see blood.

Rachel said...

Is that that busted lip from when we were talking on the phone???

sarah said...

it sounds like jonathan and isaac are very similar. we have a lot of mystery boo boos in our house, too.

we should get them together and see what kind of destruction and mayhem they are capable of. :)