Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bath Time...

Not sure why I grabbed the camera but I did and this is all I got.
I decided to give them a 'quick' bath (is that even possible?). I was able to get Jonathan in and out but Andrew enjoys the water too much nowadays.
Jonathan was trying to hurry him up and get Andrew out of the water.
We've started giving them bubble baths. Ordinarily I can't do this, but Andrew's skin seems to have toughened up and he doesn't get dry spots any more. Since he can't put his head under with bubbles, Andrew now takes baths with his goggles.
What a sad face. I don't know why he is so sad but he is.


sarah said...

i love that andrew wears goggles.

i don't think jonathan is sad. just contemplative.

i also can't peel isaac from the bathtub. i just let the water out and wait for him to get bored in an empty bathtub.


Anonymous said...

I think he looks like Missy Moo Moo.

Chandra :)

Anonymous said...

Benjamin LOVES the bath...like Sarah, we have to just let him get bored in an empty tub. Sarah B. HATES it..she screams and cries and yells, and thrashes...she is like those cartoons where the legs are moving faster than the body to get out of the tub...it's pitiful. :(
Jen Woodyard Stevens