Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Big Transition

Wow how much has happened in just one short week. Last Saturday we moved Andrew to his big boy bed. We transitioned his crib to a toddler bed while we are getting his new room ready. He took his first nap in the bed and fell out two times (after the first time we put pillows on the floor(not to worry it isn't a far fall either)). He cried for a little bit but then went back to sleep both times. That night he didn't fall out at all and during his Sunday nap he fell out once. I wasn't for sure if he fell out I would hear him crying so I dusted off our monitors and listened in while he slept. Monday morning Chris got up and was leaving a little earlier than usual. When the garage door went up I heard Andrew just start crying and I had been listening to him for awhile that morning and I never heard him fall. I went in and saw him laying in the middle of the floor completely confused. He apparently fell out during the middle of the night and didn't know it until he woke up that morning. But since then he hasn't fallen out again. PTL

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Poor Andrew! What a big boy in his new bed.