Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Complete Obedience

Sometimes being a mommy is very...hmm...we'll just leave it at that. For those who don't know we have used the Baby Wise parenting method with Andrew. One of the activities you train him early on is pack-n-play time. This is when he plays in his pack-n-play for 30-45 mins so he learns to play by himself (I'm sure there are other reasons but I am drawing a blank right now). He has been doing this activity since 5 or 6 months old. We are beginning to transition him to room time (same idea as before except in his room). This is a wordy explanation for my tale to tell but a very important part of the blog.
Back to my first sentence... I was cooking dinner recently and Andrew was trying to be a blessing by helping me but since he can't read I'll be honest and say he was being more of a burden. Before I went crazy saying no fifty million times I got on his eye level and said this, "Andrew, Mommy has to cook and cannot play with you right now. Mommy needs you to go to the living room and play by yourself just like pack-n-play time but instead in the living room." He looks at me and says, "Yes, mommy." He then turns and walks away. I think,"Wow what a great mommy I am. I just communicated my thoughts to him and he did what I asked. Forget reading anymore books on parenting I got this down. Hmm...maybe in my free time I should write parenting books." Then after all those egotistical thoughts I went back to cooking. After 10 minutes it dawns on me I hadn't heard Andrew in awhile. I look in the the living room, no Andrew. Cooking is now put on the skids as I look for my child, all the while envisioning him drowning in the toilet even though the lid is always down. You'll never guess where I found him, right next to his pack-n-play just standing there. I scoped him up in my arms and hugged and praised him for being completely obedient. Where's the obedience you ask? It dawned on me when I saw him that as I was giving my speech on what to do all he heard was, "Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, pack-n-play, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah." He did exactly what I asked him to do. Don't worry you won't be seeing any parenting books from me any time soon. I realize I still have a lot of learning to do.


Tonya said...

Sounds like to me you're doing pretty well:)

Rachel said...

Andrew is so smart. He did just what his mommy asked him to do. I bet he stood there the whole time thinking 'how in the word does mommy expect me to get in there?' You do a great job with him, I know I would be lost without your wisdom.

Anonymous said...

you are such a great mom I wish and hope that one day I can be a good mom like you!!!!!!! that is if I should have anymore kids.

Leslie said...

That is so awesome! Way to go, Andrew. I hope Sam will as obedient.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read a mommy book by JED. I've learned a lot from your example, even though I'm up by two kids.............. :)