Friday, August 18, 2006

Vacation is almost over

Sorry I have been slack in our updates. My mom and dad treated us to a wonderful night at the resort where my mom works. It was an amazing time. Mom and Dad watched Andrew while we went and had a vacation within the vacation. I can't tell you how nice everything was. My mom had a fondue platter sent up to our room. I wish I took a picture because everything on it was edible. There were strawberries (double dipped chocolate strawberries), brownies, blondie brownies, apricots and other little things. We then went to a very fancy resturaunt and enjoyed a three course meal. Everywhere we went we were treated like gold. It was so relaxing. Later that night after all that fancy stuff we went and saw Talledaga Nights (funny at times and crude at times).
Today Mom, Chris, Andrew and I went to the beach. It was another wonderful time. I miss my home and I look foward to coming home. Although, I will miss seeing my parents everyday.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

The whole night sounds wonderful, (minus Talledega Nights because we both know what I think of that movie), but it really does sound great. Very thoughtful of your mom:) I'm glad you and Chris were able to have a sweet Anniversary together. Congrats on seven years:)