Monday, September 11, 2006

Sorry about the ticker

I tried to get a ticker up and going but I quit. Apparently it isn't as easy as everyone thinks it is. If you want to know how far along I am just ask. If you are wondering I am feeling fine. No unusual cravings. Half the time I forget that I am pregnant because God has blessed me with no morning sickness. I can't wait to feel the baby move around so I'll feel more pregnant.
We need to pray for Andrew and his pee pee potty. For some strange reason he has woke up the past 5 mornings wet. I don't know if he is getting lazy or if...I'm not real sure what the other problems could be. Tonight I cut off all drinks at 6:30. I know that sounds early but I want to pinpoint the problem. Andrew loves to drink. He will drink so much that he won't eat his meals. So cutting him off wasn't real hard on either of us. He's use to mommy saying no more drinks. Just pray that I will gain wisdom and his bladder will hold. I know he can do it because he had gone more than 2 weeks without a problem. I'm stumped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. Hey, I just saw this on Chri's facebook or something... It was funny reading it thinking that he wrote it! We'll be praying for yall! Joel Mac