Sunday, September 17, 2006

Very Observant

At lunch today Andrew amazed us yet again. He has a Madagascar cup with a lion on the top that his Tia Jeni bought him. He told Chris that the lion was saying please. Remember we taught Andrew sign language and he still uses the please even though he can say it. Back to the lion, if you look at the lion his paw is on his chest and it looks like he is signing please. I don't know where he comes up with these things. I'm simply amazed.


Tonya said...

Your child really is very smart:) He has the biggest vocabulary of any two year old I know.
By the way, what are you changing your blog name to after the baby is born? Curious minds want to know:)

Rachel said...

Andrew is so smart! It's so fun to watch him grow and develope his little personality. His "what's the matter?" and "what's that noise?" just show how he loves to know what's going on with the people and things around him. Or maybe it shows he has picked up being nosey from his mommy. :)