Friday, November 24, 2006

Prayer Warrior

I have to brag on Andrew for just a few moments. Every night just before bed time we have Bible story and prayer time. Usually Daddy reads from his kids Bible and he says a prayer then Andrew will pray too, mainly for his dawgum and big boy bed. But lately his prayers have been very specific. Now his prayers will take a little longer because he needs to include all his family (and mention where they are) and his friends. One time his thanked Jesus for mommy's nose. Truly a blessing because so many times I forget to thank Jesus for the little things.
Lately, he now wants to read Bible stories out of the Bible he got at his dedication. Usually I can't understand what he is saying but the other night his Bible story was, 'Jesus says, Jesus thank you for the food.' I thought this was very profound because he realizes it's not just what Mommy and Daddy wants but it is what Jesus wants too.
The last preacher kid story for the day is about all the rain that we've had. We were going to bed and he told me that God was watering the plants. I love how he realizes God in little things too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again out of the mouth of babes. I mean have you ever thanked God for your nose or your Mom's nose for that matter. What a wonderful job you and Chris are doing trainig up your child in the way he should go... You can rest on God's promise that he will not depart from it. I can not wait to see what god does through your precious son.
Love ya