Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I had my dr. visit on Monday and had a long visit. We had another ultrasound and I got to see baby #2 again. If you remember he was having some kidney problems but our prayers have been answered and God fixed it. His kidneys were normal size and he weighed 1lb 8oz. Since I knew how much the baby weighed I asked the dr. to subtract that from my weight but she said she couldn't. I also had the glucose check and won't know anything for a week. Everything else looked good. I had gained 3 lbs but I attribute that to eating at Red Robins and Cold Stone on Friday. Please pray for me and my weight. Pray that God would give me the discipline to eat in moderation. I don't need to gain any weight and have been told so by the doctors.
Andrew is sick right now and is no fun to be around. I felt so sorry for him yesterday at Wal-Mart. As I was shopping he laid his head on my coat and sucked his fingers looking very pitiful. He kept saying 'I'm just tired.' I wish I could say I was nice and didn't spend as much time there but that would be a lie. For some reason I felt unorganized and was all over the place. My nephew's birthday is next week and I was trying to figure out what to get him. So not only did I take forever to shop but I kept going back to the toy department and torturing Andrew. The last time I went he didn't even raise his head because he knew it wouldn't help.
Other than that all is well.

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