Monday, November 13, 2006

Cold Busted

It was a rare occasion in the Dowd house...I felt like baking. Andrew and I baked a strawberry cake just before he took his afternoon nap. When he woke up all he wanted to do was try his cake. I told him he could have a piece after dinner and apparently that would not do for him. While I was talking on the phone I came in to see him secretly eating his cake. This is his face as I busted him eating his cake. As you can tell he even pulled the plate closer because he didn't want to miss a single morsel of icing.
In all fairness to him, he didn't eat that much frosting, that's just how poorly I frost a cake. Plus, those cans of frosting don't have as much frosting as they use to have. Usually I can have a little bit and there still be some for the cake. I guess those people at Betty Crocker are cutting back on their portions. Wait till they get my stern letter of dissapproval. Just kidding I couldn't resist eating some cream cheese frosting (maybe some isn't the right word).


Anonymous said...

How cute! That is truely being caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Of course, you know that he didn't need to get in any trouble for that. I mean what boy can resist a piece of his Mom's cake? Glad to hear a good report on you and your littlest one.
Love you all,

Tonya said...

I just have to say I know this has been on here awhile and I'm just now getting to responding... but I could not resist a peice of cake either if it were sitting on the counter in plain view every time I walked by so I hope you weren't too hard on him:)