Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Day At The Zoo

One thing I love about my husband is that he is very spontaneous. We were sitting at dinner Friday night talking about our plans for Saturday and said why don't we go to the zoo. At first I thought he was being silly, but he jumped on the computer and started researching it. It was relatively inexpensive and the weather was suppose to be beautiful. So we were up and on the road by 7:30 the next morning. We got to the zoo and had a great time. I'm not sure what they feed those animals but I am quite sure tranquilizers are involved. There was never a threat because every animal was sleeping (well all the ones you want to see awake). The only sad part was that the elephants weren't able to be seen. Of course, that is all that Andrew wanted to see. Every time we would see an animal he would say, 'Now we see the elephants.' If you ask him his favorites he'll tell you the lions and zebras but the animal that held his attention the longest was a duck who was taking a bath. But to be honest with you it was kindof my favorite as well because he was awake. And about that weather, well it never got into the 60s like they said it was. Which is why Andrew and Chris are bundled up in their pictures together. Amazingly enough, the pregnant mommy was just fine in her short sleeve shirt.

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