Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Huge Praise

We are all home finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday was a crazy day but in the end we all came home. We checked into the hospital Monday night and it was awesome to hold Jonathan without all the attachments. Just to be able to move around and not worry what monitor I would set off. That night went really well surprisingly. In the morning he was about to wake up and all the the nurses decided take blood, check his vitals, and all the other things that are necessary but annoying.
On a more girly note, but a huge pray that God answered. We were really struggling to get him nursing. He would latch on but not stay on. I had a lactation consultation just before leaving and she introduced me to a shield that feels like a bottle for Jonathan. He took to that right away and ever since then feedings have gone smoothly. I was so thankful for he because I was at my wits ends with nursing.
Our first day and night went relatively well. Please cont to pray for us. Sleep deprivation is a nasty feeling.


CAGB said...

Congratulations! :o) (I am a blog-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend).

sarah said...

I want to know more about the shield. My boy won't latch on. I think he's just lazy, though. I wonder if it will work for us....

And also -- CONGRATULATIONS on boy #2. I like the name. It sounds very distinguished. Now, we'll see if he turns out distinguished. He will, no doubt, with such distinguished parents! :)

I want to visit someday, so I can see your new boy and you can see me Bubba.

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! I am so glad that you are all together at home. What does Andrew think? Yea, sleep depr.. is I think right up there with the 10 worst things in the world. Nick slept through the night 1 time in 5 years... I thought that he was dead that time at 6 am..... but, my Mom always said this too will pass... and guess what he will sleep all day on Saturdays, and I hardly ever wake him up...after 5 years of no sleep I still thank God each morning that he sleeps through the night:)... but I did not have all the skills that you new mommies have you know all the wisdom that makes you Babywise... Love you and praying for each of you... If you need Andrew to come home with us on a Sunday afternoon or hang out one evening, just call. I mean it.Angie