Saturday, February 16, 2008

Beefaroni Nite...

Typically, I'm one of those Mommies who makes their child eat whatever we are eating. I am willing to fight that battle--on most nights. Last nights wasn't one of those nights. I made steak and black bean chili, very yummy and a little spicy. Knowing that both boys wouldn't enjoy the heat, I made the boys Beefaroni--straight out of the can (my mom will now tune out to the rest of the story, due to the fact that I fed them something out of a can and called that dinner). Honestly, we have never had them before and I didn't even know if he boys would like them. Not only did Jonathan like them, he inhaled them. He is in that phase when he doesn't want me to feed him, he wants to feed himself. If I try to feed him, he will have a melt down until you put the food on the table. It is so weird to me because it's so different from Andrew. Andrew would never dream of getting his hands dirty with food. Jonathan, on the other hand, calls the meal a success when his face, clothes and body are completely messy.
Here are a couple of pictures to show you how messy it got. When the food wasn't on the table fast enough, Jonathan would put his face to the table and try to eat the food off the table--much like an animal eating at a trough. He is so proud of himself here:
Check out those hands. He got a bath after this dinner, no matter how hard I tried, that stuff wasn't coming off. Now, I have to clean the bathtub because of the Beefaroni grease ring around the tub.
Will we have Beefaroni again? Probably, but not anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

That stuff is permanent. I can't tell you how many shirts of Ann Rae's has "Avioli" stains! ~Stacy

Rachel said...

I refuse to come visit until the grease stain is gone! :) So glad he liked it. Very cute pictures. Looks like he would fit right in with the Pittman boys.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not.....It does eventually come off-after many years of scrubbing!!! HA! HA! Austin and Abbe are proof that they don't stay orange forever!! I love the updates and pictures. Both boys are growing so much, they are both so handsome. We really miss you guys.

Love you,
April and the rest of the Banker's

Jason and Kathleen said...

Jonathan is so cute! And he does look proud of himself!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE beefaroni. Can I come eat at your house?