Sunday, February 24, 2008


Not to much going on here.
I was excited when Andrew actually smiled for this picture. Of course, I sat there poised with my finger on the button ready and waiting through all the silly faces, the poutful faces, the angry faces, and finally, the smiley face.
Here it looks like the boys are playing in the same corner. Andrew is actually in timeout and Jonathan is trying to figure out why he wouldn't play with him. Jonathan kept poking him with that blue paint brush.
In order to get out of timeout early he had to give me a smiley face without all the other faces first. Amazingly, he didn't have a problem with it. To bad I can't put him in timeout before every picture.


Jason and Kathleen said...

What cuties! Does anyone think Jonathan looks like you? Andrew is a mini-me Chris....but i am thinking a little Jessie for Jonathan. Either way....hope you had fun with Rach and the boys today!

Jessie said...

There are times when Jonathan looks at me and I'll see my sister. Since I can never remember what my face looks like, and my sister and I look alike, I assume he looks like me. I love his big brown eyes.

I did have fun there and made out with a lot of loot.