Friday, February 08, 2008

Another Week...

This week was just another week for us.  Nothing real exciting happened.  
-Jonathan is walking around a lot now.  He likes to see how far he can go before he falls.
-Jonathan is down to one bottle a day, and I don't think he's too happy about it (that is if he could talk).
-Jonathan did not have his mental break down at Bible study this week.
-Jonathan does not like to drink milk.  If any moms out there had (or have) this problem and can give some advice on how to get him to drink milk, I would greatly appreciate it.
-Biggest news of all....Jonathan is turning 1 on Tuesday.  This weekend I'll probably cry a lot, realizing my baby is no longer a baby.
-Andrew decided he wants a dog with 4 legs and we'll call him Bear.
-Andrew also decided that Jonathan wanted a chocolate cake for his birthday (sure Jonathan wanted it).
-Andrew then decided that Jonathan also wanted the Cars movie for his birthday...hhmmm.  I see a pattern.

That was our week in bullet point form. 


Anonymous said...

We used sweet acidophilus milk which is a good transition from formula to regular milk.

Bribes work well too, haha! Maybe the CARS movie :)

Chandra :)

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to Jonathan!!

Anonymous said...

Benjamin does that too...he tells me things that Sarah Beth wants. "Mommy, Sarah B-Bop wants to go outside and slide!" "Sarah B-Bop wants to eat candy" "B-bop wants to play basketball." She's only 8 months old...:)
We didn't have to try until much later than Jonathan, but when Benjamin decided no more milk, I'd put like 1/4 tsp. of nestle quick in it, he'd drink it and then I could ween it out, until the next time he decided he didn't want it, so we'd start again. :) Fun times....
Hope you guys are doing great!
Jen Woodyard Stevens

S.E. Painter said...

Jackson did not like milk at first when transitioning from breast milk, but eventually, after several months, he liked it. Personally, I would stay away from juice or he may never like milk. I would offer water and/or milk. Put out two sippy cups at each meal and see which one he takes. Sometimes just giving the choices takes away the power struggle. Jackson does prefer sweet tea over anything else, but we didn't do that until after he was 2 y.o. and we cut the sugar to 1/2 of what we used to have in it just b/c he likes to drink it. Better for us now too!

sarah said...

happy birthday to jonathan to the d!

i can't give any advice on the milk. my boy took to it quickly. probably because he doesn't really care what food i put into my mouth as long as i do it quickly and get it over with fast. he hates the interruption eating imposes on his busy life.

i hope you're doing fabulous up in va!