Monday, April 07, 2008

Tabor's Birthday Party

On Saturday, Andrew was invited to Tabor's birthday party. Here are some pictures...
Jordan picking Andrew up. Not real sure why.Jonathan discovered the joys of a sword.
Austen and Andrew wanted to relax on the hammock together. Here's their conversation:
Austen: Sometimes I like to relax with my eyes open.
Andrew: I like to relax with my best friend.
Austen: I love you too.
And then they embrace and Tonya wonders if she should intervene since she is the only adult seeing this unfold. Goals this week: figure out if cuddling is and is not ok for 3 year olds .
Andrew pretending to snore...
and Austen thinking that was hilarious.
Jonathan did not want to relinquish his sword.
So the party had a Star Wars theme (including Jonge dressed as one of the character, uncertain as to which one, but clearly not Yoda*) and now all Andrew talks about is Star Wars. I'm going to try to get him breathing like Darth Vadar*, it's hilarious.

*I don't know how to spell those names at all. I hope I'm in the ballpark.

1 comment:

sarah said...

isaac loves to hold long, sword-like items as well (brooms, mops, vacuum attachments...)
it's pretty cute.

i can't believe how big everyone gets when you are far away. austin seems so old!

visit us sometime.