Monday, May 12, 2008

The Beach...

Chris and I just got back from Nagshead, NC. That's right, a couple of nights at the beach without the kids. It was so nice to relax and sleep in. Thanks John and Jane for watching the boys.
We were there for a wedding (congrats Tim and Carrie), our first beach wedding and our first key lime wedding cake. Then we thought back on all the wedding we have been apart of and decided that we've been in a lot of cool weddings. We've been in a lake wedding 3 times, 1 mountain wedding, 1 golf course wedding, 1 beach wedding and too many church weddings to count (I just can't remember the exact number of church weddings).
Please help me remember all those weddings (and premarital counseling couples)...


Jennifer said...

I think we take the cake for the hottest wedding you've ever been a part of! Note to self: do not renew wedding vows outside at the end of July.

Jessie said...

Yes, I remember that day. It was so hot that I actually didn't mind having the rain drizzle on me.

I also remember it being beautiful.

Rachel said...

Ummm, HELLO! You can't forget us, you were very pregnant with Andrew at our wedding. And not only did y'all do our premarital stuff but you got to hear EVERY detail all day every day at Gorman. I know you miss those days.

Jessie said...

I think I remember more details of your wedding planning than I remember of my own. You were also one of our longer per session premarital counseling couples (not a big surprise).

How could I forget your wedding, Chris and I were in the critics corner.