Monday, August 25, 2008

More Pictures...

Not too much going on in our lives. Just the ordinary summer time activities.

This was actually a sweet moment when Jonathan wanted to love his brother. It didn't come across that way in this picture.
Here's an example of Andrew's love of order. Most of the foods he eats has to have order to it.
Andrew revealing in the order he has created.
Popcicle time.
Who doesn't like to show off their tongue when it's blue.
We are painting our kitchen. Andrew is helping me get the stuff down from that shelf. He thought this was awesome. I have yet to paint the kitchen. It took 3 coats of primer to cover the blue, so I'm a little unmotivated to paint.
Jonathan's trying to help too. Moriah's just wondering what is going on.
Monkey see, monkey do. Jonathan loves to copy whatever Andrew does. Sometimes that is good, most of the time it is just bad.


Rachel said...

There is nothing wrong with a little order. I of course would have them grouped by color.

Jennifer said...

The gummy bears freak me out a little.