Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Pets

Introducing our newest pets...2 African pygmy frogs. Chris and I saw them on our getaway in TN and we both thought that Andrew would love them. It was later, after we had bought them, that I remembered that he hates frogs. He is so terrified that the frog is going to jump on him. Luckily, these frogs only stay in water and have a lid with no hopes of jumping around.
Chris the proud frog Daddy.
I don't think you can actually see the frogs but their in there somewhere. Andrew named them Koshi and Poshi. There is a snail in there also (who I think is dead because he doesn't move at all) is named Panda. Either my child really wants to be with Kirby or we have watched way to much Olympics.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I think maybe a little of both. :)