Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday...

to me...happy birthday to me...happy birthday dear me...happy birthday to me. I just celebrated my 30th birthday yesterday (and I would advise certain friends not to comment on how old I am compared to them). I had a lovely day with my boys and our newest family member, Maggie (more to come on that later). Tonight I'm going on a date with Chris to a baseball game. I'm looking forward to some time without the boys. Although, I'm not looking forward to sitting in this extreme heat.

Last weekend the family packed up the minivan and headed for Jacksonville, FL, to see my brother and his new wife. They just returned from Germany and this was our first time seeing them since Christmas 2005. I was so glad to see them and their new dog Pheobe (who was scared to death of Andrew). We visited with my Grandma who isn't doing well. She was excited to see both of us. It was a short visit but the trip to and from took forever. And if my life wasn't complicated enough, we got a dog. I'm trying to remain positive about her but it is very hard. She isn't a bad dog at all. Actually, for a Jack Russell Terrier she is very good (and calm). But now I have a 3 year old, a 6 month old (who is trying his hardest to keep up with us) and a 6 month old Maggie following me around all day. I'm giving her a couple of weeks and if I continue to feel ambiguous about her...well, I'll deal with that later.

Here are some pictures of Maggie and the boys. I thought trying to get 2 to cooperate was difficult but I was wrong. Maggie continues to eyeball Jonathan because she isn't suppose to touch him.
Two out of three...
At least they are all facing the camera. If only I knew how to digitally enhance their faces to look like they are smiling.
Andrew is borrowing Daddy's new bike helmet.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are too cute!! The kids look happy with Maggie; she's adorable. She'll be part of the family soon.
I'm looking out my window and it's raining pretty hard; hoping it's not raining out your game tonight.
If it is, I'm hoping you'll just go do something else fun.
Happy Birthday!
Much Love,

sarah said...

Dang it!!!
I remembered your birthday a couple of days ago, and I said, MAKE SURE YOU POST A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JESSIE ON HER BIRTHDAY.

and then, as you can clearly see, i forgot. :(

I do remember, however, that LeAnn's is the 26th and I'll forget that on the 26th, also.

I'm an early rememberer. I have to work on that. Maybe I can start pushing the remembering back 15 minutes at a time, until I am remembering at the exact time that I need to. That way, it wouldn't be too much shock. Wait, that's how to move a baby nap. Nevermind.

Happy Birthday!!! You're OLD!!!!

Jennifer said...

Hope you had a great birthday! Maggie is so cute! Jack Russells are really great pets, from what I understand!