Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pro and Cons..

of our dog Maggie.
1. She stopped whinning and barking at night.
2. She is really good with the boys.
3. She likes to sleep and spend time in her kennel.
4. She likes her chew toys.
5. She is not as hyper as I thought she might be.
6. She enjoys a good walk in the morning.
7. Our toes have never been cleaner (and she licks the sweat off me after our brisk morning walks)
8. She likes to nap in the afternoons with the boys
1. The occasional poop and pee on the carpet.
2. I keep having to go to Wal-Mart to buy her stuff.
3. Since we don't have a fenced in back yard (my initial request before getting a dog), we have a stake and a leash she doesn't like.
4. She likes to lick all the time.
5. She likes to jump.
6. Sometimes she acts as if she is hard of hearing.
7. Along with a brisk walk she likes a brisk run, I'm NOT a runner.

After much hesitation on my part about having a dog, I am starting to warm to her. I like the fact she likes to snuggle up next to me while watching TV, after the boys are in bed. She really tries to please us (even if she doesn't do it all the time). Plus, she has never growled or barked at the boys and that is huge to me.

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