Thursday, August 02, 2007

This Week...

This week has flown by for us. Andrew and I have been doing preschool here at the house and those couple of hours in the morning just seem to fly by. He does a pretty good job and looks forward to it all morning. When getting ready for preschool I'll give him a little pep talk about how he'll need to act and what we'll be doing. One day he had a question for me and he said, 'Teacher, what means this?' He called my teacher!! I thought it was adorable.
Last night we went outside to play in the sprinklers and he asked if he could invite some friends. He went door to door asking the neighbors if they wanted to play in his sprinklers. One neighbor said they couldn't because they were sick and then he said, 'We'll pray that God will heald them.' Such faith and boldness, I really could learn lots from him.
Our friend Chris came in for a visit (earlier in the week) and Andrew and Jonathan had a blast with him (you can check out his wife's blog on my links). When Andrew woke up the next morning and Chris wasn't here he stuck out that bottom lip and cried. He wanted his friend to come back.
Now my husband is gone for a writing weekend and the boys and I trying to figure out how to have fun without him. Here's some picture of us attempting it.

Jonathan loves to kick at this toy. I'm glad he likes it but it is really loud and it drives me crazy. Why do kids toys have to be so loud? Their hearing is better than ours so couldn't they make them quiet enough for both of us to enjoy. I mean, teenagers have a ring tone that supposedly not all can hear. Take that technology and apply it to kids toys and we'll all be happy (not to mention less hard of hearing). (Sorry for the rabbit trail rant.)
Hears a nice toy. The padding around the rattle makes it enjoyable. Plus, he looks adorable holding it. (sorry it's blurry)
So happy!! Jonathan loves to play and smile. He is so much fun to be with.
Here's my little man. I'm not sure why all the pictures are blurry. Must be the camera, right?!?! Clearly (actually, not so clearly), it could not be the photographer, who will remain nameless.
This picture was taken by Chris (our guest) on his phone at Panera Bread. It's a fun picture.
That's all for now folks!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's cool that you're doing preschool in the mornings! I bet Andrew is a fast learner (especially with such a brilliant teacher!)

The pictures are precious...Jonathan has the best smile!