Monday, August 13, 2007

Last Weeks High Points

Alright, I have to make this quick because I'm not on my computer. It's sad when you're too busy to use your own computer and have to borrow a friends. Here are some of the highlights of last week:

Andrew learned how to spell his name.
Andrew learned left and right (which is pretty scary since I, at almost 30, still struggle with it).
Jonathan has gotten the hang of eating cereal.
Jonathan turned 6 months old.
Andrew had a meltdown because he missed Jonathan so much.
Jonathan had a meltdown because he enjoys a good cry, and I think, likes having meltdowns.
Chris left and returned home from a golf retreat (he won one time).

Last Sunday our church had a baptismal service at the lake and here was my attempt to take the camera and take some (actually just one) pictures. Andrew got to ride a jet ski while we were there. I was jealous because I've never ridden one.
This is Andrew on a tire swing at a different part of the lake.
I've decided that getting the pictures of the boys together is almost impossible. If one is cooperating the other one is grabbing.
Here is my 6 month old sweet heart/meltdown king.
Jonathan is admiring his brother on the tire swing. This is probably one of my favorite pictures of him so far.
Oh by the way, today is our 8th anniversary. I would post a picture of our wedding day but I'm pretty embarrassed about how immodest I was that day. No one told me that my girls were hanging out for the world to see.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!
T, C and K

Jennifer said...

Happy anniversary!!!

sarah said...

Happy Belated Anniversary.
8 years! Wow!

I love the pictures.
I'm glad to know that there are other hearbreaking-meltdown boys out there. I tell Isaac, "it's a good think you're cute, otherwise you'd never get away with this!"....